CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTIONSection II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTIONSection III. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONSection I. DESCRIPTION AND USE OF OPERATOR CONTROLS AND INDICATORSSection II. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Plate CompactorTable 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Plate Compactor - ContinuedTable 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Plate Compactor - ContinuedTable 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Plate Compactor - ContinuedTable 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Plate Compactor - ContinuedSTARTING THE COMPACTOROPERATING TECHNIQUESSTOPPING THE COMPACTOROPERATION IN EXTREME COLDEMERGENCY PROCEDURESSection I. LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSSection II. TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURESSection Ill. OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESAIR CLEANER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSAIR CLEANER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedFUEL TANK MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCHAPTER 4. UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCHAPTER 4. UNIT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedSection I. UNIT LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONSSection Ill. SERVICE UPON RECEIPTTable 4-2. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Plate CompactorTable 4-3. Troubleshooting ProceduresTable 4-3. Troubleshooting Procedures - ContinuedSection VI. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESENGINE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedOIL FILTER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSOIL FILTER CAP MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSDIPSTICK MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSDATA PLATES/DECALS MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSDATA PLATES/DECALS MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedTHROTTLE CONTROL AND CABLE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTHROTTLE CONTROL AND CABLE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedTHROTTLE CONTROL AND CABLE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedTHROTTLE CONTROL AND CABLE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedDIRECTION CONTROL LEVER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSDIRECTION CONTROL LEVER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedDIRECTION CONTROL LEVER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedDIRECTION CONTROL LEVER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedDIRECTION CONTROL LEVER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedDIRECTION CONTROL LEVER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedDIRECTION CONTROL LEVER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedDIRECTION CONTROL LEVER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCRANK HANDLE AND GUIDE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCRANK HANDLE AND GUIDE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedTRANSPORT DOLLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSTRANSPORT DOLLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedTRANSPORT DOLLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedTRANSPORT DOLLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGUIDE BAR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSGUIDE BAR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGUIDE BAR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGUIDE BAR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedPROTECTION FRAME MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSV-BELT COVER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSV-BELT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSV-BELT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCLUTCH ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCLUTCH ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCLUTCH ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCLUTCH ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedAIR CLEANER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSAIR CLEANER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedAIR CLEANER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedAIR CLEANER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedFUEL FILTER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFUEL FILTER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedFUEL LINES AND FITTINGS MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFUEL LINES AND FITTINGS MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedFUEL TANK MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFUEL TANK MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ContinuedFUEL TANK MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS ContinuedMUFFLER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSMUFFLER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGOVERNOR CONTROL PLATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSGOVERNOR CONTROL PLATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVALVE COVER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSVALVES MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSOIL PUMP MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSAIR SHIELDS MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSAIR SHIELDS MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedFLYWHEEL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFLYWHEEL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedFLYWHEEL FAN MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSVIBRATION RUBBER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSBASE PLATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSBASE PLATE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedSection VII. PREPARATION FOR STORAGE OR SHIPMENTSHIPMENTCHAPTER 5. DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSEngine will not startENGINE LACKS POWER AND/OR SMOKES BLACKSection II. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESENGINE ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedFUEL INJECTOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFUEL INJECTOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedFUEL PUMP MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSFUEL PUMP MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedFUEL PUMP MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedFUEL PUMP MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedPRIMER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSPRIMER ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedROCKER ARM ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSROCKER ARM ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCYLINDER HEAD MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCYLINDER HEAD MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVALVES MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSVALVES MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVALVES MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVALVES MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVALVES MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCOMPRESSION RELEASE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCOMPRESSION RELEASE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCOMPRESSION RELEASE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCYLINDER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCYLINDER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCYLINDER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedPISTON ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSPISTON ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedPISTON ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedPISTON ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCONNECTING ROD ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSGEAR COVER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSGEAR COVER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGEAR COVER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGEAR COVER MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCAMSHAFT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCAMSHAFT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGOVERNOR (SPEED) CONTROL SHAFT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSGOVERNOR (SPEED) CONTROL SHAFT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGOVERNOR (SPEED) CONTROL SHAFT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGOVERNOR (SPEED) CONTROL SHAFT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGOVERNOR (SPEED) CONTROL SHAFT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGOVERNOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSGOVERNOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGOVERNOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedGOVERNOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedOIL PUMP MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSOIL PUMP MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedOIL SEAL (FLYWHEEL SIDE) MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSOIL SEAL (FLYWHEEL SIDE) MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCRANKSHAFT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCRANKSHAFT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCRANKSHAFT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCRANKSHAFT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCRANKSHAFT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCRANKSHAFT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCRANKCASE (ENGINE HOUSING) MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCRANKCASE (ENGINE HOUSING) MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCRANKCASE (ENGINE HOUSING) MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedENGINE BASE MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedVIBRATOR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCHAPTER 6. GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSSection II. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURESCAMSHAFT ASSEMBLY AND GEAR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCAMSHAFT ASSEMBLY AND GEAR MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedCRANKSHAFT, GEAR, AND MAIN BEARING MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSCRANKSHAFT, GEAR, AND MAIN BEARING MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - ContinuedREFERENCESMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC)Explanation of Columns in the MAC, Section II.Explanation of Columns in Tool and Test Equipment Requirements, Section Ill.Section Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR COMPACTOR, VIBRATORY PLATE, DIESEL ENGINE POWERED, HAND GUIDEDSection Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR COMPACTOR, VIBRATORY PLATE, DIESEL ENGINE POWERED, HAND GUIDED - ContinuedSection Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR COMPACTOR, VIBRATORY PLATE, DIESEL ENGINE POWERED, HAND GUIDED - ContinuedSection Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR COMPACTOR, VIBRATORY PLATE, DIESEL ENGINE POWERED, HAND GUIDED - ContinuedSection Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR COMPACTOR, VIBRATORY PLATE, DIESEL ENGINE POWERED, HAND GUIDED - ContinuedSection Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR COMPACTOR, VIBRATORY PLATE, DIESEL ENGINE POWERED, HAND GUIDED - ContinuedSection Il. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR COMPACTOR, VIBRATORY PLATE, DIESEL ENGINE POWERED, HAND GUIDED - ContinuedSection III. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT FOR COMPACTOR, VIBRATORY PLATE, DIESEL ENGINE POWERED, HAND GUIDEDAPPENDIX C. UNIT, DIRECT SUPPORT, AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTSource CodeRecoverability CodeExplanation of Columns (Section IV).How to Locate Repair Parts.AbbreviationsFigure 1. Engine InstallationFigure 1. Engine Installation - ContinuedFigure 2. Crankcase, Block and Cylinder HeadFigure 2. Crankcase, Block and Cylinder Head - ContinuedFigure 3. Crankshaft AssemblyFigure 3. Crankshaft Assembly - ContinuedFigure 4. FlywheelFigure 4. Flywheel - ContinuedFigure 5. Piston and Connecting RodFigure 5. Piston and Connecting Rod - ContinuedFigure 6. Valve Cover. Valves and Rocker ArmsFigure 6. Valve Cover. Valves and Rocker Arms - ContinuedFigure 7. Camshaft Assembly and Gear CoverFigure 7. Camshaft Assembly and Gear Cover - ContinuedFigure 8. Oil Filler Cap and DipstickFigure 8. Oil Filler Cap and Dipstick - ContinuedFigure 9. Oil Filter and PumpFigure 9. Oil Filter and Pump - ContinuedFigure 10. Crank Handle and Guide AssemblyFigure 10. Crank Handle and Guide Assembly - ContinuedFigure 11. Compression Release and Primer AssemblyFigure 11. Compression Release and Primer Assembly - ContinuedFigure 12. Fuel Injector Assembly & InstallationFigure 12. Fuel Injector Assembly & Installation - ContinuedFigure 13. Fuel Injection Pump AssemblyFigure 13. Fuel Injection Pump Assembly - ContinuedFigure 14. Air Cleaner AssemblyFigure 14. Air Cleaner Assembly - ContinuedFigure 15. Fuel Lines and FittingsFigure 15. Fuel Lines and Fittings - ContinuedFigure 16. Fuel Tank Assembly and InstallationFigure 16. Fuel Tank Assembly and Installation - ContinuedFigure 17. Governor Control Shaft InstallationFigure 17. Governor Control Shaft Installation - ContinuedFigure 18. Governor AssemblyFigure 18. Governor Assembly - ContinuedFigure 19. Fuel Filter InstallationFigure 19. Fuel Filter Installation - ContinuedFigure 20. Throttle Control InstallationFigure 20. Throttle Control Installation - ContinuedFigure 21. Muffler InstallationFigure 21. Muffler Installation - ContinuedFigure 22. Air Shields InstallationFigure 22. Air Shields Installation - ContinuedFigure 23. Flywheel Fan InstallationFigure 23. Flywheel Fan Installation - ContinuedFigure 24. Clutch AssemblyFigure 24. Clutch Assembly - ContinuedFigure 25. Engine BaseFigure 25. Engine Base - ContinuedFigure 26. Protection Frame and V-Belt CoverFigure 26. Protection Frame and V-Belt Cover - ContinuedFigure 27. Data Plates and DecalsFigure 27. Data Plates and Decals - ContinuedFigure 28. Transport Dolly InstallationFigure 28. Transport Dolly Installation - ContinuedFigure 29. V-Belt, Vibrator and Base Plate InstallationFigure 29. V-Belt, Vibrator and Base Plate Installation - ContinuedFigure 30. Vibrator AssemblyFigure 30. Vibrator Assembly - ContinuedFigure 30. Vibrator Assembly - ContinuedFigure 31. Direction Control Lever and Cable InstallationFigure 31. Direction Control Lever and Cable Installation - ContiunedFigure 32. Guide Bar InstallationFigure 32. Guide Bar Installation - ContinuedGROUP 94 REPAIR KITSNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER INDEXPART NUMBER INDEXPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedFIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEXFIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedFIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedFIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedFIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedFIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedFIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedFIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedFIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedFIGURE AND ITEM NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedAPPENDIX D. COMPONENTS OF END ITEM AND BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTSSECTION III. BASIC ISSUE ITEMSAPPENDIX E. EXPENDABLE/DURABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIAL LISTSection II. EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIAL LISTAPPENDIX F. TOOL IDENTIFICATION LISTAPPENDIX F. TOOL IDENTIFICATION LIST - ContinuedFigure F1. Press, Rod: 10mm O.D.Figure F3. Press, Rod: 54mm O.D.Figure F5. Press, Sleeve: 32mm I.D.Figure F7. Press. Sleeve: 25mm O.D.Figure F9. Press, Sleeve: 70mm O.D.Figure F11. Press, Sleeve: 66mm O.D.Figure F13. Press, Sleeve: 36mm I.D.Figure F15. Press, Rod: 18mm O.D.