TM 5-3895-376-14&P
i . If replacement is necessary, support the
12. Lift out the two shaft assemblies from the hous-
flange of the coupling disks (33) on blocking
ing (50).
and using a hand arbor press with a 1.77 inch
13. Disassemble the adjustable shaft (42) assembly
(45 mm) diameter pressing sleeve remove
the ball bearings (39), one from each cou-
as follows:
pling disk.
a. Use puller kit to extract the cone and rollers
of bearing (25 and 26) from ends of shaft (42)
j . Remove spacer (40) from shaft (42).
b . Use snap ring plier to remove retaining
k . Use snap ring plier to remove retaining ring
ring (27) from each end of shaft (42).
(41) from shaft (42).
c. Slide weight (28) from shaft (42) and remove
14. Disassemble the fixed shaft (49) assembly as fol-
key (29).
d . Remove four hex nuts (30). capscrews (32)
Use puller kit to extract the cone and rollers
of bearings (43) from ends of shaft (49).
pling disks (33) to spur gear (34)
Use snap ring plier to remove a retaining
e . Use puller kit to remove gear (34), outer cou-
ring (44) from each end of shaft (49).
pling disk (33) with ball bearing (39) as a unit.
Separate gear from coupling disk.
Supporting the inner face of spur gear (45),
press the shaft (49) from the spur gear with a
suitable arbor press.
Capscrew (35) is secured to the shift
Slide spacer (46) and weight (47) from
bolt (38) with loctite. It may be necessary
shaft (49) and remove key (48)
to heat the small diameter end of shift bolt
to free the capscrew. Heating to a tempera
15. Using an arbor press with 2.36 inch (60 mm) di-
ture of approximately 200F (93.3C)
ameter pressing sleeve, remove cups of bear-
should be sufficient.
ings (25, 26 and 43) from bores in cover (22) and
housing (50).
f . Push the shift bolt (38) fully into the shaft (42)
to provide exposed surface to heat. Clamp
16. Discard all bearings.
the small diameter of the shift bolt (38) in a
vice grip so as not to mar the surface of the
shift bolt. Apply heat to shift bolt with solder-
ing torch kit equipped with a flame spreader.
Remove socket head capscrew (35), lock-
washer (36) and wedge (37), from inside shaft
P-D-680, Type III, is moderately toxic to
the skin, eyes and respiratory tract;
avoid prolonged exposure. Skin and
g. Pull shift bolt (38) from end of shaft (42).
eye protection is required. Good ventila-
tion is required. Do not use near open
flame or excessive heat. Flash point is
After removing the vice grip from shift
200 F (93.3' C).
bolt (38), remove any burrs with crocus
abrasive cloth.
1 . Clean all parts in dry cleaning solvent and dry
h. Use puller kit to remove the remaining cou-
pling disk (33) and ball bearing (39) from
shaft (42).