Basic Engine
5. Invert the engine on the work stand. Remove the
flywheel. Remove the oil pan and gasket. Remove
the oil pump.
6. Make sure all bearing caps (main and connecting
rod) are marked so that they can be installed in their
original locations. Turn the crankshaft until the
connecting rod from which the cap is being removed
is down. Remove the connecting rod cap. Push the
connecting rod and piston assembly up in the
FIG 52 Piston Installed
cylinder. Repeat for the remaining caps.
7 Remove the main bearing caps.
8. Carefully lift the crankshaft out of the block so that the
thrust bearing surfaces are not damaged. Handle
the crankshaft with care to avoid possible
fracture or damage to the finished surfaces.
1. Remove the rear journal oil seal from the block and
FIG 53 Typical Connecting Rod Side Clearance
rear main bearing cap.
2. Remove the main bearing inserts from the connecting
rods and caps.
3. Remove the connecting rod bearing inserts from the
connecting rods and caps
4. Clean the rear journal oil seal grooves. Install a new
rear journal oil seal in the block and rear main
bearing cap.
5. Apply a thin coating of oil-resistant sealer to the rear
main bearing cap at the rear of the top mating
surface. Do not apply sealer to the area forward of
the oil slinger groove.
FIG 54 Typical Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly
6. If the crankshaft main bearing journals have been
refinished to a definite undersize, install the correct
7. Turn the crankshaft throw to the bottom of the stroke,
undersize bearings. Be sure the bearing inserts and
then push the piston all the way down until the
bearing bores are clean. Foreign material under the
connecting rod bearing ,seat on the ,crankshaft
inserts will distort the bearing and cause a failure.
journal Install the connecting rod cap Torque the
7. Place the upper main bearing inserts in position in the
nuts to specifications.
bores with the tang fitting the slot provided.
8. after the piston and connecting rod assemblies have
8. Install the lower main bearing inserts in the bearing
been installed.
check the connecting rod side
clearance on each crankshaft journal (Figure 53)
9. Carefully lower the crankshaft into place. Be careful
9. Prime the oil pump by filling the inlet opening with oil
not to damage the bearing surfaces.
and rotating the pump shaft until oil emerges from the
10. Check the clearance of each main bearing. Select fit
outlet opening. Install the oil pump and the oil pump
the bearings for proper clearance following
inlet tube. Install the oil pan and related parts
procedures under Fitting Main and Connecting Rod
10. Install the cylinder head by following the instructions
under Cylinder Head Installation.
11. After the bearings have been fitted, apply a light coat
11. Fill the crankcase with proper grade of oil
of engine oil to the journals and bearings. Install all
12. Start the engine and check for oil pressure. Operate
the bearing caps, except the thrust bearing cap (No.
the engine at fast Idle and check for oil and coolant
5 bearing). Be sure that the main bearing caps are
installed in their original locations. Torque the
13. Check and adjust the ignition timing. engine idle
bearing cap bolts to specifications.
speed and the fuel mixture
12. Install the thrust bearing cap with the bolts finger
The crankshaft and related parts are shown in Figure
13. Pry the crankshaft forward against the thrust surface
of the upper half of the bearing (Figure 50).
14. Hold the crankshaft forward and pry the thrust
1. With engine placed on a work stand, remove the oil
bearing cap to the rear. This will align the thrust
level dipstick.
surfaces of both halves of the bearing.
2. Remove the accessory drive pulley (if so equipped).
15. Retain the forward pressure on the crankshaft.
Remove the crankshaft damper attaching bolt and
Torque the cap bolts to specifications.
washer. Remove the crankshaft vibration damper.
16. Force the crankshaft toward the rear of the engine.
3. Remove the cylinder front cover, Remove the cover
17. Install a dial indicator so that the contact point rests
against the crankshaft flange and the indicator axis is
4. L heck the timing chain deflection, then remove the
parallel to the crankshaft axis (Figure 56).
timing chain and sprockets as detailed under Cylinder
Front Cover and Timing Chain Removal.