Basic Engine
3. Disconnect the throttle control cable from the
4. Disconnect the fuel inlet line at the fuel filter, and the
distributor vacuum line from the carburetor.
5. Disconnect the distributor vacuum line from the
distributor. Disconnect the carburetor fuel inlet line
from the fuel pump. Remove the lines as an
6. Disconnect the spark plug wires from the spark plugs
and the coil high tension lead at the coil. Remove the
distributor cap and spark plug wires as an assembly.
Disconnect the primary wire from the coil and remove
it from the retaining clip on the cylinder head.
FIG. 43 Aligning Cylinder Front Cover
7. Disconnect the engine temperature sending unit wire
from the sending unit. Disconnect the flexible fuel
line from the fuel pump line and plug the line.
1. Remove the cylinder front cover.
Remove the distributor, the fuel pump, and the oil
2. Drive out the oil seal with a pin punch. Clean the
recess in the cover.
8. Remove the crankcase vent hose, regulator valve,
valve rocker arm cover and cylinder head by following
1. Coat a new seal with grease and install the seal.
steps 7 through 10 under Cylinder Head Removal.
Drive the seal in until it is fully seated in the recess
9. Using a magnet, remove the valve lifters and keep
(Figure 44). Check the seal after installation to be
them in order so that they can be installed in their
sure the spring is properly positioned in the seal.
original locations (Figure 39). If the valve lifters are
2. Replace the cylinder front cover.
stuck in the bores by excessive varnish, etc., it may
be necessary to use a claw-type tool to remove the
10. Loosen and remove the drive belt, fan and pulley.
Remove the crankshaft damper.
11. Remove the oil level dipstick. Remove the oil pan
(250 CID only). Remove the oil pump and inlet tube
12. Remove the cylinder front cover and gasket.
13. Push the camshaft toward the rear of the engine.
Install a dial indicator so that the indicator point is on
the camshaft sprocket cap screw (Figure 46). Zero
the dial indicator.
Position a large screwdriver
between the camshaft sprocket and the block. Pull
the camshaft forward and release it. Compare the
dial indicator reading with specifications. If the end
play is excessive, replace the thrust plate.
14. Remove the dial indicator. Remove the timing chain
FIG. 44 Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Replacement
and sprockets as detailed under Cylinder Front Cover
and Timing Chain Removal.
The camshaft and related parts are shown in Figure 45.
15. Remove the camshaft thrust plate. Carefully remove
the camshaft by pulling it toward the front of the
1. Drain the cooling system and the crankcase.
engine. Use caution to avoid damaging the journals
Remove the air cleaner.
and lobes.
2. Disconnect the radiator hoses from the coolant outlet
housing and the water pump. Remove the radiator.
FIG. 45. Camshaft and Related Parts