Basic Engine
1. Install new (or cleaned) hydraulic valve lifters through the
push rod openings with a magnet (Figure 38).
2. Install the cylinder head and related parts.
1. Remove the air cleaner and related parts.
Figure 37. Cylinder Head Bolt Torque Sequence
2. Bend the exhaust pipe and manifold attaching bolt lock
7. Connect the radiator upper hose at the coolant outlet
tabs back and remove the bolts. Remove the exhaust
8. Position the distributor vacuum line and the carburetor
fuel inlet line on the engine. Connect the fuel line at the
1. Clean the mating surfaces of the exhaust pipe and
fuel filter using a new clamp, then connect the distributor
cylinder head.
vacuum line at the carburetor.
2. Position the exhaust manifold on the cylinder head and
9. Connect the throttle control cable bracket.
install the attaching bolts and tab washers. Torque the
10. Connect the throttle control cable at the carburetor.
bolts and studs in sequence shown in Figure 39. Refer to
11. Connect the distributor vacuum line at the distributor.
Connect the carburetor fuel inlet line at the fuel pump.
3. Install the exhaust pipe.
12. Connect the temperature sending unit wire at the sending
4. Install the air cleaner and related parts. Start the engine
unit. Connect the spark plug wires. Be sure the wires
and check for exhaust leaks.
are forced all the way down into their sockets.
13. Fill and bleed the cooling system.
14. Install the crankcase ventilation system, if so equipped.
1. Drain the cooling system
15. Start the engine and check for coolant and oil leaks.
2. Disconnect the radiator lower hose at the water pump. Remove
the drive belt, fan, and water pump pulley.
Before replacing a hydraulic valve lifter for noisy operation, he
3. Remove the water pump.
sure the noise is not caused by improperly adjusted valve clearance
or by worn rocker arms or push rods.
1. If a new water pump is to be installed, remove the heater
hose fitting from the old pump and install it on the new
1. Remove the cylinder head and related parts following the
pump. Clean the gasket surfaces on the water pump and
procedure under Cylinder Head Removal.
cylinder block.
2. Using a magnet, remove the valve lifters (Figure AX).
2. Coat the new gasket on both sides with water-resistant
Place the lifters In a rack so they can be installed in the
sealer and position it on the cylinder block.
original positions.
3. Position the water pump and install the lockwashers and
If the lifters are stuck in their bores by excessive varnish
attaching bolts (the alternator adjusting arm is secured by
or gum. it may be necessary to use a plier-type or claw-type
one water pump bolt). Torque the bolts to specifications.
tool to remove the lifters. Rotate the lifter back and forth to
4. Connect the radiator lower hose to the water pump.
loosen any gum and varnish which may have formed on the
5. Install the water pump pulley and fan. Torque the bolts
lifter. Keep the assemblies intact until they are to be
evenly and alternately to specifications.
If the valve lifters are to be tested or
6. Fill and bleed the cooling system. Operate the engine
until normal operating temperature is reached. Check for
disassembled and cleaned. Follow the procedures on Page
leaks and check the coolant level.
1-07 If a hydraulic valve lifter has been disassem-bled and
cleaned, be sure to fill it with test fluid before installing it
in the engine. New valve lifters already contain test fluid.
1. Drain the cooling system and the crankcase. Disconnect
the radiator upper hose at the coolant outlet housing and
the radiator lower hose at the water pump.
2. Remove the radiator Remove the drive belt, fan and pulley.
3. On a 200 CID engine, remove the cylinder front cover
attaching screws from the cover and from the oil pan. Pry
the top of the front cover away from the block slightly and, using
a thin bladed knife, cut the oil pan gasket flush with the face of
the cylinder block.
FIG. 38. Removing Valve Lifter