Basic Engine
FIG 47. Core Plugs and Installation Tools - Typical
1. Clean the gasket surfaces of the block and oil pan.
Be sure to clean the seal retainer grooves in the
1. Remove the oil pan and related parts as outlined
cylinder block and oil pan. The oil pan has a two-
under Oil Pan Removal.
piece gasket. Coat the block surface and the oil pan
2. Remove the oil pump attaching bolts and remove the
gasket surface with oil-resistant sealer. Position the
oil pump. gasket, and intermediate drive shaft.
oil pan gaskets on the cylinder block (Figure 49).
2. Position the oil pan front seal on the cylinder front
1. Prime the oil pump by filling the inlet port with engine
cover. Be sure the tabs on the seal are over the oil
oil. Rotate the pump shaft to distribute the oil within
pan gasket.
the pump body.
3. Position the oil pan rear seal on the rear main bearing
2. Position the intermediate drive shaft into the
cap. Be sure the tabs on the seal are over the oil pan
distributor socket.
3. Position a new gasket on the pump housing. Insert
4. Hold the oil pan in place against the block and install
the intermediate drive shaft into the oil pump. Install
a bolt. finger tight, on each side of the oil pan. Install
the pump and shaft as an assembly. Do not attempt
the remaining bolts. Torque the bolts from the center
to force the pump into position if it will not seat
outward in each direction to specifications.
readily. The drive shaft hex may be misaligned with
5. Install the oil level dipstick. Fill the crankcase with
the distributor shaft. To align, rotate the intermediate
the proper grade and quantity of engine oil. Operate
drive shaft into a new position. Torque the oil pump
the engine and check for oil leaks.
attaching screws to specifications.
4. Install the oil pan and related parts as outlined under
Oil Pan Installation.