Basic Engine
FIG. 57 Typical Camshaft Bearing Replacement
bearings are installed. Be sure the front bearing is
1. Remove the engine. Place the engine on a work
installed below the front face of the cylinder block
stand and remove the flywheel and the camshaft.
to specifications. The rear has two oil holes and
Remove the rear bearing bore plug.
must be installed 24Y4 inches from the face of the
2. Remove the camshaft bearings with the tool shown in
camshaft thrust plate surface. Check the oil
Figure 57.
passage that feeds the rocker arm shaft for
3. Select the proper size expanding collet and back-up
obstructions by squirting oil into the opening in
nut and assemble on the expanding mandrel. With
the cylinder block and observing the flow through
the expanding collet collapsed, install the collet
the oil hole at the rear camshaft bearing.
assembly in the camshaft bearing and tighten the
2. Install a new bearing bore plug as detailed on Page
back-up nut on the expanding mandrel until the collet
fits the camshaft bearing.
3. Install the camshaft, crankshaft, flywheel and related
4. Assemble the puller screw and extension (if
parts, following the appropriate procedures. Do not
necessary) as shown and install on the expanding
check connecting rod and main bearing clearances
mandrel. Wrap a cloth around the threads of the
as a part of Camshaft Bearing Replacement.
puller screw to protect the front bearing or journal.
Tighten the pulling nut against the thrust bearing and
pulling plate to remove the camshaft bearing. Be
1. Place a drip pan under the filter. Unscrew the filter
sure to hold a wrench on the end of the puller screw
from the adapter fitting. Clean the adapter filter
to prevent it from turning.
5. Repeat the procedure for each bearing. To remove
the front bearing. install the puller screw from the
1. Add one quart of the proper type and grade of oil to
rear of the cylinder block.
the crankcase. Coat the gasket on the replacement
filter with oil. Position the filter on the adapter fitting.
1. Position the new bearings at the bearing bores, and
Hand tighten the filter until the gasket contacts the
press them in place with the tool shown in Figure 57.
adapter face, then advance it 1/2 turn.
Be sure to center the pulling plate and puller screw to
2. Operate the engine at fast idle and check for oil
avoid damage to the bearing. Failure to use the
leaks. If oil leaks are evident, perform the necessary
correct expanding collet can cause severe
repairs to correct the leakage. Check the oil level
bearing damage. Align the oil holes in the bearings
with the oil holes in the cylinder block when the
3. If it is necessary to remove the plugs from each end
of the shaft, drill or pierce the plug on end. Use a
When installing nuts or bolts that must be torqued, oil
steel rod to knock out the plug on the opposite end.
the threads with light weight engine oil. Do not oil threads that
Working from the open end, knock out the remaining
require oil-resistant or water-resistant sealer. Refer to Page 1-
07 for cleaning and inspection procedures
1. All rocker arms and rocker arm shafts are to be
lubricated with heavy oil SE before assembly.
1. Remove the pin and spring washer from each end of
2. If the plugs were removed from the ends of the shaft,
the valve rocker arm shaft.
use a blunt tool or large diameter pin punch and
2. Slide the valve-rocker arms, springs, and supports off
install a plug, cup side out, in each end of the shaft.
the shaft. Be sure to identify the parts.