Basic Engine
FIG 55 200 CID Six Crankshaft and Related Parts
22. Turn the crankshaft throw to the bottom of the stroke.
Push the piston all the way down until the rod bearing
seats on the crankshaft journal.
23. Install the connecting rod cap Torque the nuts to
24. After the piston and connecting rod assemblies have
been installed, check the connecting rod side
clearance on each connecting rod crankshaft journal
25. Turn the engine on the work stand so that the front
end is up. Install the timing chain and sprockets,
cylinder front cover and crankshaft pulley or damper.
as detailed under Cylinder Front Cover and Timing
Chain Installation.
26. Clean the oil pan. oil pump. and oil pump scr een
27. Prime the oil pump by filling the inlet opening with oil
and rotating the pump shaft until oil emerges from the
outlet opening. Install the oil pump following steps 1,
2 and 3 under Oil Pump Installation. Install the oil
pan following steps 2 through 5 under Oil P-an
FIG. 56 Crankshaft End Play
Zero the dial indicator. Push the crankshaft forward
28. Position the flywheel on the crankshaft Apply oil
and note the reading on the dial.
resistant sealer to the flywheel attaching bolts Install
If the end play exceeds specifications, replace the
and torque the bolts to specifications locate the clutch
thrust bearing. If the end play is less than the
disc and install the pressure plate.
minimum limit, inspect the thrust bearing faces for
29. Turn the engine on the work stand so that the engine
scratches. burrs, nicks or dirt. If the thrust faces are
is in the normal position Install the oil level dipstick
not damaged or dirty they probably were not aligned
Install the accessory drive pulley (if so equipped)
properly. Install the thrust bearing and align the faces
Install and adjust the drive belt and
following the recommended procedure (steps 12. 1,.
accessory belts to specifications.
i4 and 15). Check the end play.
30. Remove the engine from the work stand.
Install new bearing inserts in the connecting rods and
caps. Check the clearance of each bearing following
the procedure under Connecting Rod Bearings
The camshaft bearings are available pre-finished to
If the bearing clearances are to specifications, apply
size and require no reaming for standard and 0.015-inch
a light coat of engine oil to the journals and bearings.