Basic Engine
distributor. Check for coolant and oil leaks. Adjust
the engine idle speed and the idle fuel mixture.
To remove a large core plug, drill a 1/2 inch hole in
the center of the plug and remove with a clutch pilot bearing
puller (Tool T59L-100-B and T58L-101-A) or pry it out with a
large drift punch. On a small core plug, drill a 1/4 inch hole in
the center of the plug and pry it out with a small pin punch.
Clean and inspect the plug bore.
Prior to installing a core plug the plug bore should be
inspected for any damage that would interfere with the proper
sealing of the plug. If the bore is damaged it will be necessary
to true the surface by boring for the next specified oversize
FIG 46 Checking Camshaft End Play
Oversize (OS) plugs are identified by the OS stamped
1. Clean the oil passage at the rear of the cylinder block
in the flat located on the cup side of the plug.
that feeds the rocker arm shaft by blowing
Coat the plug and/or bore lightly with an oil-resistant
compressed air into the opening In the block
(oil galley) or water-resistant (cooling jacket) sealer and install
Camshaft lobe, are to be coated with Lubriplate or
it following the procedure for cup type or expansion type
equivalent and the journals lubricated with heavy oil
SE before installation. Carefully slide the camshaft
Cup Type
2. Install the thrust plate with the oil groove toward the
Cup-type core plugs (Figure 47) are installed with the
rear of the engine and torque the attaching bolts to
flanged edge outward. The maximum diameter of this plug is
specifications. Replace the crankshaft front oil seal.
located at the outer edge of the flange. The flange on cup
3. Install the sprockets and timing chain. cylinder front
type plugs flares outward with the largest diameter at the outer
cover and crankshaft damper as detailed under
(sealing) edge.
Cylinder Front Cover and Timing Chain Installation.
It is imperative to pull the plug into the machined bore
4. Clean the oil pump inlet tube screen, oil pan, and
using a properly designed tool. Under no circumstances is the
block gasket surfaces. Prime the oil pump by filling
plug to be driven into the bore using a tool that contacts the
the inlet opening with oil and rotate the pump shaft
flange. This method will damage the sealing edge and will
until oil emerges from the outlet opening. Install the
result in leakage and/or plug blow out.
pump inlet tube. Install the oil pump and oil pan.
The flanged (trailing) edge must be below the
Install the oil level dipstick.
chamfered edge of the bore to effectively seal the plugged
5. Install the fan, fan pulley and drive belt Adjust the belt
tension. Install the radiator.
If the core plug replacing tool has a depth seating
6. Dip the base of the valve lifter body in Lubriplate or
surface, do not seat the tool against a non-machined (casting)
equivalent. Tappets or lifters and bores are to be
lubricated with heavy oil SE before installation. Install
the valve lifters in their original bores.
Expansion-type core plugs (Figure 47) are installed
7. Install the cylinder head, push rods and the valve
with the flanged edge inward. The maximum diameter of this
rocker arm shaft assembly by following the procedure
plug is located at the base of the flange with the flange flaring
under Cylinder Head Installation.
8. Using a new gasket, install the fuel pump and
It is imperative to push or drive the plug into the
connect the flexible fuel line. Install the oil filter.
machined bore using a properly designed tool. Under no
9. Position the No. 1 piston at TDC after the
circumstances is the plug to be driven using a tool that
compression stroke. Position the distributor in the
contacts the crowned portion of the plug This method will
block with the rotor at the No. I firing position and the
expand the plug prior to installation and may damage the plug
breaker points open. Install the distributor hold-down
and/or plug bore.
When installed the trailing (maximum) diameter must
10. Connect the engine temperature sending unit wire.
be below the chamfered edge of the bore to effectively seal
Connect the coil primary wire. Install the distributor
the plugged bore.
cap. Connect the spark plug wires and the coil high
If the core plug replacing tool has a depth seating
tension lead.
surface, do not seat the tool against a non-machined (casting)
11. Install the carburetor fuel inlet line, using a new clamp
on the filter tubing. Connect the distributor vacuum
line to the carburetor.
12. Install the radiator and connect the radiator upper and
lower hoses.
2. Remove the oil level dipstick and the flywheel
13. Connect the throttle control cable at the carburetor.
housing inspection cover.
14. Fill the cooling system. Fill the crankcase.
3. Remove the oil pan and gasket.
15. Start the engine and check and adjust the ignition
4. Remove the oil pump inlet tube and screen.
timing. Connect the distributor vacuum line to the