drain and refill the fuel tank. Check for any obstructions
3-7. General
in fuel lines.
This section contains maintenance instructions that are
to be performed by the operator.
3-10. Transmission
a. Check level of lubricant in transmission by
3-8. Cooling System
removing cap level indicator located on the
a. Remove the radiator cap and check the level of
b. If level indicates low, add lubricant per Lube
b. Add coolant until level is approximately one inch
diagram until the level reaches full.
below neck of radiator.
c. Always use clean fluid and clean containers.
c. If there are signs of dirt or rust in the coolant,
d. Do not overfill.
drain and flush the cooling system as follows:
e. If the oil appears contaminated, remove the
(1) Remove the radiator cap to facilitate
drain plug and drain the oil. Refill with clean fluid.
(2) Open the coolant drain cock at the bottom
f. If the fluid has become contaminated with metal
of the radiator and allow the coolant to drain into a
particles, do not operate the equipment.. Refer to
suitable container.
higher level of maintenance.
(3) Fill the radiator with coolant as required
for lowest expected temperatures and attach a tag
specifying the coolant used.
Stop engine before checking or adding
fluid Drain dirty fluid while unit is still
engine and allow it to operate until normal operating
temperature is reached
3-11. Engine
(6) Check coolant level. Add coolant as
b. If oil level is low, add oil specified in Lube
d. In cold weather operation, test the specific
diagram to full level. If there are signs of oil leakage or
gravity of anti-freeze. Add anti-freeze as required for
excessive oil consumption, refer to higher level of
lowest temperature expected.
e. If loss of coolant occurs, check for any leaks
and refer findings to higher level of maintenance for
3-12. Kelly Bar (Lower) Packing Nut
a. After initial operation, the kelly bar packing nut
will tend to leak somewhat. Therefore, the nut must be
3-9. Fuel System
tightened in such a manner that the "leakage" leave only
a. Remove fuel tank cap. Inspect vent hole and
a "film" of hydraulic oil on the kelly bar. The nut must
remove any obstructions.
not be tightened to the extent that the kelly bar is dry
b. Fill fuel tank to capacity.
Figure 3-1. Tightening kelly bar (lower) packing Unit