d. Operating for Collapsible Wire Reel.
(1) The wire reel is designed to be mounted onto
Do not overspeed auger. Run engine
the end of the winch assembly shaft. It must be secured
at slow speed until type and texture
to the winch shaft using the clevis pin and hair pin
of earth can be determined.
provided for this purpose.
(2) With the wire reel mounted horizontally onto
the winch shaft, position the handle in the horizontal
lower auger and begin earth boring operation.
position to wind cable. To remove cable, position
(5) When auger is deep enough in earth to be
handle perpendicular to the winch shaft.
loaded with dirt, disengage shuttle and raise auger from
e. Lowering Auger Shaft. A pointer is welded onto
hole by pulling kelly bar lever.
the right angle drive housing and must point to the mark
(6) With auger clear of hole, engage shuttle.
on the right angle drive mount before the auger shaft is
Rotation will clean auger.
lowered. To align the pointer, operate the leveling
(7) Repeat steps (4), (5), and (6) until hole is to
cylinder. This procedure is necessary to lower the auger
desired depth.
shaft to the transport position
d. Electrical System. Check the electrolyte level in
2-11. Operation in Extreme Cold (Below O' F)
the battery daily, and fill to three-eights inch above the
a. Inspect radiator to be sure that antifreeze is
plates with distilled water, if available. Clean, mineral
correct for the lowest possible temperature expected.
free water may be used.
b. Inspect the cooling system and report any leaks
to direct support maintenance.
2-13. Operation in Dusty or Sandy Areas
c. Keep battery fully charged. After adding water,
a. Cooling System.
run the engine for at least one hour.
(1) Keep the radiator core free of dust, sand, or
d. Keep fuel tank as full as possible to prevent
foreign matter to avoid overheating of the engine.
(2) Keep dust and sand from entering the
e. Drain and service fuel strainers frequently.
radiator by wiping dust or sand from the cap before
f: Before applying load, allow engine to reach
adding coolant.
normal operating temperature.
b. Lubrication System.
g. Lubricate as specified in Lubrication diagram this
(1) Lubricate the unit in accordance with
Lubrication diagram this manual.
(2) Keep all lubrication points clean and avoid
2-12. Operation in Extreme Heat
spilling oil on the unit as it will collect dust and sand.
a. Cooling System.
(3) Clean and replace filters more often than in
(1) Check the coolant level frequently. Clean
normal operation.
and flush the cooling system frequently.
c. Fuel System.
(2) Make sure the fan belts are in good condition
(1) Take all precautions necessary to keep dirt
and that the' tension is adjusted properly. Make sure
or other foreign material out of the fuel tanks and fuel
that the thermostat is in proper working condition.
Clean the fuel strainer and water trap
(3) Clean between the fins of the radiator core
frequently to get the best possible cooling.
(2) Check and service the air cleaner as
compressed air if available to blow all dust and dirt out
of the core. Avoid using water that contains substances
d. Electrical System.
likely to cause excessive scale and rust.
(1) Service the batteries frequently and keep
b. Lubrication System. Lubricate the unit for hot
battery box cover securely fastened.
weather operation in accordance with Lubrication
(2) If any of the instrument gauges have
diagram this manual.
loosefitting glass, use a sealer or tape to keep dust or
c. Fuel System.
sand from entering.
(1) Clean the fuel strainer frequently and check
the fuel filters.
2-14. Operation Under Rainy or Humid Conditions
(2) Check the air cleaner. Keep it clean and
a. Lubrication System.
free from foreign matter.
(1) Lubricate the unit in accordance with
(3) Be sure the tank vents in the fuel system are
Lubrication diagram this manual