2-5. General
This section describes the various controls and
2-6. Controls and Instruments
instruments and provides the operator or crew sufficient
The purpose. location, and use of the controls and
information to insure proper operation of the earth
normal readings of the instruments and gauges are
b. Stop the earth auger engine as follows:
2-7. General
(1) Lower the engine speed to idle.
a. The instructions in this section are for the
(2) Turn off the ignition switch. If the engine has
information and guidance of personnel responsible for
been running hot, let it run at fast idle speed a few
operation of the earth auger.
minutes to dissipate the excess heat.
b. The operator must know how to perform every
c. Close the fuel shut-off valve on fuel strainer
operation of which the earth auger is capable. This
beneath the fuel tank.
section contains instructions on starting and stopping the
earth auger, on operation on the earth auger, and on
2-10. Operation of Equipment
coordinating the basic motions to perform the specific
tasks for which the equipment is designed. Since nearly
a. General. The auger is designed for use in boring
every job presents a different problem, the operator may
holes in the earth for construction purposes such as
have to vary given procedures to fit the individual job.
fence, power line. anchor post holes, or for explosives.
b. Preparation for Operation.
2-8. Starting the Earth Auger Engine
idle speed until engine reaches normal operating
a. Preparation for Starting.
(1) Perform the preventive maintenance service
(2) Elevate the auger shaft as instructed in
(2) Place all controls in neutral position (fig. 2-
lever to raise the auger shaft.
(3) Level the auger shaft as instructed in figure
(3) Open the fuel shut-off valve on the fuel
2-4. The leveling cylinder positions the auger shaft
strainer beneath the fuel tank.
vertically from left to right. Push the control valve lever
to go right, pull for left.
(1) Pull ignition switch out.
(4) Shift the transmission to first gear, engage
(2) Pull the choke out half way. If engine is
shuttle. and allow auger bar to rotate for approximately
cold, pull choke out all the way.
five minutes to allow lubricant to reach all gears.
(3) Depress the starter button and start engine.
Do not run the engine faster than idle
If engine fails to start after 30
speed during this operation (5)
seconds cranking, release starter
Disengage shuttle.
button and allow starter to cool for at
least two minutes. Then attempt
c. Operation of Earth Auger.
starting procedures again. If engine
(1) Position the auger shaft to elevation required
still will not start, stop the starting
by use of elevating and leveling control levers (fig. 2-4).
procedures and determine the cause
(2) Shift the transmission to gear required. Shift
and correct before making another
shuttle to forward position.
(3) Depress accelerator to increase engine
(4) Allow engine to warm up for about ten
(5) Slowly return choke to the "in" position.
2-9. Stopping the Earth Auger Engine
a. Check that all controls are in the center position.