TM 5-3805-296-23-2
Table 1. Transmission Fails To Shift, Shifts Improperly, or Fails To Operate in One
or More Gears - Continued.
Transmission Fails To Shift,
Value Changes Accordingly Install
Shifts Improperly, or Fails to
(Figure 2, Item 4) rotate rotary
new O-ring (Figure 1, Item 3) on plug
Operate in One or More
selector spool (Figure 2, Item 2)
(Figure 1, Item 1) and install plug on
Gears Continued
clockwise from 8F to Neutral one
transmission (Figure 1, Item 2).
detent at a time while monitoring
Proceed to step 12.
Value of Actual Gear
Value Fails to Change Accordingly
(Figure 2, Item 4). Value should
Replace tractor actual gear switch
display 7F, 6F, 5F, 4F 3F, 2F, 1F,
(WP 0273).
1R, and Neutral to match each
Install new O-ring (Figure 1, Item 3) on
detent position.
plug (Figure 1, Item 1) and install plug
on transmission (Figure 1, Item 2).
Proceed to Test Step 7.
12. From inside cab, verify shift lever
Value Displays Neutral Proceed to
is in N (Neutral). On MSD, view
step 13.
Value of Shift Lever Position
Value Does Not Display Neutral
(Figure 4, Item 3).
Replace transmission shifter
(WP 0502).
Proceed to Test Step 7.
13. Move shift lever into R, N, 1, 2, and
Value Changes Accordingly Return
D while viewing Value of Shift
shift lever to N. Proceed to Test Step 4.
Lever Position (Figure 4, Item 3).
Value Fails to Change Accordingly
Value should display 1R, Neutral,
Replace transmission shifter
1F, 2F, and 8F to mach each shift
(WP 0502).
lever position.
Proceed to Test Step 7.
Figure 4. Accessing Status Information.