TM 5-3805-296-10
Table 1. Operator Troubleshooting - Continued.
19. Engine Cranks but Will
Ether Cylinder Is Present and Has
Not Start: Operating
Adequate Ether -
Temperature Between
Notify Field Maintenance.
-25F and -40F
(Between -32C and
-40C) - Continued
Battery Disconnect Switch Is Set to
20. Engine Will Not Crank
1. Check position of battery
When Ignition Switch Is
disconnect switch.
OFF (O) -
Turned to START
Turn battery disconnect switch to ON.
Proceed to step 2.
Battery Disconnect Switch Is Set to
ON (I) -
Proceed to step 3.
2. Start engine.
Engine Starts -
Troubleshooting complete.
Engine Fails to Start -
Proceed to step 3.
3. Check position of shift lever.
Shift Lever Not in N (NEUTRAL) -
Move shift lever to N (NEUTRAL).
Proceed to step 4.
Shift Lever Is in N (NEUTRAL) -
Proceed to step 5.
4. Start engine.
Engine Starts -
Troubleshooting complete.
Engine Fails to Start -
Proceed to step 5.
5. Check for tripped ignition switch
Circuit Breaker Is Not Tripped -
circuit breaker (circuit breaker 19)
Notify Field Maintenance.
Circuit Breaker Is Tripped -
Proceed to step 6.
6. Start engine.
Engine Starts -
Troubleshooting complete. If circuit
breaker trips again, notify Field
Engine Fails to Start -
Notify Field Maintenance.