c. Continue turning cap counterclockwise and
(2) Remove the blade assembly (3).
(3) Installation is opposite of removal. Torque bolts
remove the cap from the radiator.
to 12-15 ft-lbs.
d. Test the radiator cap with a radiator cap tester.
b. Fan Bracket and Pulley Removal and Installation
The radiator cap should open when the pressure as
(1) Remove the fan blade (para a above).
indicated on the tester dial shows 7 psi. If the cap
opens at a pressure reading one PSI above or below the
correct reading, or if the cap will not maintain a 7 pound
(5) attaching the bracket and pulley (7) to the water
pressure for one minute, the cap must be replaced e.
outlet connection (15)
Install cap and tighten in a clockwise direction
(3) Remove the fan belt (6).
(4) Remove the bracket and pulley (7).
4-15. Fan Belt and Water Pump Drive Belt
(5) Install by reversing removal procedures
a. Fan Belt Adjustment (4, fig. 4-3). To adjust the
(paragraph ( 1 ) through (4) above).
fan belt tension, loosen the two nuts (4) securing fan
bracket (7) to the outlet connection (15). Tighten the fan
4-17. Water Outlet Connection and Thermostat
belt tension by lifting up on the fan bracket and retighten
a. Water Outlet Connection Removal and
the two nuts Proper tension is 1/2 inch deflection
b. Fan Belt Removal and Installation (fig 9. 4-3)
(1) Drain the radiator so that the coolant level is
(1) Loosen the two nuts (4) securing the fan
below the thermostat.
bracket (7) to the outlet connection (15) and relieve the
(2) Remove the fan blade and bracket and pulley
belt tension by lowering the fan bracket.
(2) Remove the belt (6) from the fan bracket
(3) Loosen the hose clamp (8, fig 4-31 and remove
and pulley (7) and the crankshaft pulley.
the hose (9) from the top of water outlet connection.
(3) Lift the belt (6) over the fan blade (3) to
(14) attaching the outlet connection to the cylinder head
(4) Install belt (6) by reversing removal
and remove the outlet connection (15) and gasket (16).
procedures outlined above.
(5) Install water outlet connection by reversing
removal procedures Torque attaching bolts (13) to 12-15
b. Thermostat.
mounting bolt and alternator adjusting arm bolt. The
belt tension is adjusted by moving the alternator in a
(1) Removal and installation.
direction outward from the engine to tighten, or toward
(a) Remove the water outlet connection
the engine to lessen the tension. Holding alternator in
(paragraph a above).
position, tighten the adjusting arm bolt, then the
(b) Remove the thermostat (17, fig 4-3) from
alternator mounting bolt. Proper tension is 1/2 inch
the cylinder head.
(c) To install the thermostat, position the
d. Water Pump Drive Belt Removal and
thermostat in the cylinder head with the copper pellet, or
element, toward the engine and the thermostat flange in
(1) Remove the fan belt (refer to para b. above)
the recess.
(d) Install the water outlet connection (para a.
above). Fill the cooling system. Start the engine and
adjusting arm bolt. Move the alternator toward the
check for leaks.
(2) Testing.
water pump pulley, and crankshaft pulley.
(a) Remove the thermostat from the engine.
(4) Install belt by reversing the removal procedures
(b) To test the thermostat, insert a piece of
outlined above.
.003 inch feeler stock 1/8 inch wide under the valve
sleeve. Suspend the thermostat by the feeler stock, in a
4-16. Fan Blade and Bracket and Pulley Assembly
large container of water so that it is completely
submerged, and 1 to 2 inches from the bottom.
a. Fan Blade Removal and Installation.
(c) If the thermostat does not hold fast to the
(1) Remove the four bolts (1, fig.
feeler stock when it is first inserted, replace the
lockwashers (2) attaching the blade assembly (3) to the
bracket and pulley (7).