TM 5-3805-296-23-2
Table 1. 0177 Transmission Oil Temperature Sensor Diagnostic Code - Continued.
0177-08 Transmission Oil
Test Step 2. Inspect Engine Interface
Temperature Sensor
Wiring Harness and Converter Oil
Temperature Sensor Connectors.
Width, or Period
1. Turn ignition switch and battery
disconnect switch to OFF position
(TM 5-3805-296-10).
(WP 0374).
3. Disconnect connector CL-C13
(WP 0012, Figure 59) from
converter oil temperature sensor
connector (WP 0012, Figure 58).
4. Inspect connector CL-C13
Connector CL-C13 Damaged
(WP 0012, Figure 59) and
Replace engine interface wiring
converter oil temperature sensor
harness (WP 0211).
connector (WP 0012, Figure 58)
Proceed to Test Step 16.
for damage IAW Electrical General
Sensor Damaged Replace converter
Maintenance Procedures
oil temperature sensor (WP 0289).
(WP 0540).
Proceed to Test Step 16.
No Problem Found Proceed to Test
Step 3.
Test Step 3. Test 8 Volt Supply, TC
Temp Sensor, and Ground Circuit
1. Turn battery disconnect switch and
ignition switch to ON position
(TM 5-3805-296-10).
Voltage 7.5 to 8.5 V Proceed to
(WP 0540), test for voltage
step 3.
between connector CL-C13
Voltage Less Than 7.5 V Proceed to
terminal A (WP 0012, Figure 59)
Test Step 7.
and ground.
Voltage 7.5 to 8.5 V Proceed to
(WP 0540), test for voltage
step 4.
between connector CL-C13
Voltage Less Than 7.5 V Proceed to
terminal A and terminal B
Test Step 10.
(WP 0012, Figure 59).
Voltage 5.5 to 6.5 V Proceed to Test
(WP 0540), test for voltage
Step 4.
between connector CL-C13
Voltage Less Than 5.5 V Proceed to
terminal C (WP 0012, Figure 59)
Test Step 13.
and ground.