TM 5-3805-296-23-1
Engine Cooling
During engine operation the water pump circulates coolant from the radiator into the engine oil cooler. Coolant then
flows from the engine oil cooler to the transmission oil cooler. The oil coolers transfer heat from the oil to the cool-
ant. Coolant flows from the transmission oil cooler into the cylinder block through the radiator outlet hose.
The water temperature regulator is closed when the engine is cold. The coolant flows through the water tempera-
ture regulator housing and bypass tube back to the water pump bypassing the radiator. If the coolant is at normal
operating temperature, the water temperature regulator opens and coolant flows to the radiator through the radia-
tor inlet hose.
Air flow through the radiator is controlled by belt driven fan mounted on the front of the engine.
Figure 3. Engine Cooling.
Turbocharger Cooling
Coolant supply for the turbocharger comes from the turbocharger inlet hose at the water temperature regulator
housing. Coolant will circulate through the turbocharger only when the water temperature regulator is open. Cool-
ant flows from the turbocharger into the radiator inlet hose.
Air Compressor Cooling
Coolant supply for the air compressor comes from the cylinder block through an inlet hose. Coolant flows from the
air compressor back into the front of the cylinder head through an outlet hose.