Figure 13. Plan and typical section of Pickwick Landing Dam south embankment.
Item No.
Give the power-head values for maximum, normal,
a. Maximum operating pool: 63 ft (maximum
and minimum operating pools. (Power-head is the
difference in elevation between the surface of the
b. Normal operating pool: 53 ft.
impounded water and the water surface in the
c. Minimum operating pool: 5 ft (minimum
powerhouse tailrace or channel into which the water
from the turbines is discharged.)
Type of turbines. (Indicate whether propeller blades
are fixed or adjustable and give manufacturer's
Allis-Chalmers Mfg Co.
name and model number, if possible.)
Give the turbine capacity for maximum, normal, and
minimum power-head values.
a. Maximum power-head: 55,000 English hp
at 47-ft head.
b. Normal power-head: 48,000 English hp
at 43-ft head.
c. Minimum power-house: NI.
Give the following data for penstocks, power tunnels,
NP, powerhouse is integrated into dam.
or power canals: (Penstocks are conduits or tubes
which bring water to the turbines of many hydro-
electric plants, particularly to plants operating
AGO 3898A