Figure 14. Plan and typical section of Pickwick Landing Dams north embankment.
Item No.
with high power heads or plants located some distance
from the dam or reservoir.
a. Number and type. (Indicate whether penstock,
tunnels, or canal.)
b. Location. (Indicate whether penstocks, tunnels,
or canals bring water through the dam, around
an abutment, and so on or whether they trans-
port water overland or through conduits from
the dam or reservoir to the plant.)
c. Size and shape. (Indicate whether circular,
rectangular, or nonsymmetrical and give width
and height or diameter. If nonsymmetrical or
horseshoe-shaped, give cross-sectional area. If
the size varies, give size, shape, and length of
the segments.)
d. Total length.
e. Total discharge capacity.
Give number, type, and size of intake gates. (Indicate
12 (3 per unit) structural steel, vertical-lift
whether gates are sliding, wheeled, radial, cater-
roller gates, roller bearings for all wheels.
pillar, valve type, and so on.)
Size of each gate: 18 ft 8 in. by 41 ft
(opening); each gate in 2 sections, top sec-
tion 18 ft 8 in. (clear width) by 17 ft 6
in. bottom section 18 ft 8 in. (clear width)
by 24 ft. Operated by same 2 traveling
gantry cranes used to operate spillway
AGO 3898A