Item No.
Give the maximum, average, and minimum discharges NI.
of water released at the dam per second or per day.
Any information pertinent to the major subject
a. Shoreline length at elev 414; main shore:
which would not logically be included with any of
410.8 mi; islands: 85.5 mi; total: 496.3
the items previously listed.
b. Original river area: 9,600 acres.
c. Uncontrolled storage (elev 418-430):
450,000 acre-feet.
d. Two 40-foot spillway bulkheads, two 7.5-
foot, and one 8.5-foot piers.
e. Both earth embankments have a 10-foot
berm at elev 400.
f. Freeboard at normal high water (elev 413):
left (south) embankment: 22 feet; right
(north) embankment: 27 feet.
Source o01 sources of data. If different for various
a. "The Pickwick Landing Project," Tech Re-
items, list item number in groups corresponding
port No. 3, prepared by the Tennessee
to the source.
Valley Authority, 1941. All items were ex-
tracted from this book except those noted
in item b below.
b. "Engineering Data, Tennessee Valley Au-
thority Projects, Technical Monograph No.
55" prepared by the Tennessee Valley Au-
thority, Mar. 1948. The following items
were extracted from this book: 25; 28a, b,
d, e, o; 29d, h.
Completely reliable.
Accuracy of data.
Probably true.
Military Hydrology Branch, Washington Dis-
trict CE.
Inclose pictures, maps and drawings depicting the
a. Map and profile of Tennessee River system
location and other features of the major item.
b. Map of Pickwick Landing Reservoir and
Aerial Photo of Pickwick Landing Dam (fig.
d. Pickwick Landing dam plan, elevation, and
e. Pickwick Landing dam south embankment
f. Pickwick Landing dam north embankment
g. Pickwick Landing dam spillway gate sec-
h. Pickwick Landing reservoir headwater and
i. Pickwick Landing Reservoir areas and vol-
j. Pickwick Landing Reservoir backwater
k. Pickwick Landing Reservoir multiple-pur-
l. Duration of flow curves for Tennessee River
m. Flood frequencies at Florence, Ala, by
5 Oct. 1953.
AGO 3898A