TM 9-4940-568-342-29Table 2-7. Crane Troubleshooting (CONT).(1)Connect four white wires on cranejunction box, terminal 18 with twoscrews.(2)Disconnect jumper wire from cranejunction box, terminals 1 and 19.(3)Turn ON crane main POWERswitch.(4)Attempt to operate boom and hoistfunctions using BOOM,TELESCOPE and HOIST controllevers.(a) If functions do not operate,fault not corrected. Notify Supervisor and perform Steps (5) through (13) below.(b) If functions operate, fault hasbeen corrected. PerformSteps (5) through (13) below.Continued on next page.VERIFY REPAIRRemove all jewelry such as rings, dog tags, bracelets, etc. If jewelry or tools contact positive electrical circuits a direct short may result. Damage to equipment, injury or death to personnel may result.Do not stand under crane. Mechanical failure and operator error can cause injury or death to personnel.SCREWTERMINAL 18TERMINAL 19TERMINAL 1COVERCLIPJUNCTIONBOXCRANE POWERSWITCHBOOMCONTROL LEVERHOISTCONTROL LEVERTELESCOPECONTROL LEVER
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