TM 9-4940-568-34
Table 2-7. Crane Troubleshooting (CONT).
(12) Adjust length trimpot until test
unit indicates 7.3 ft (2.2 m).
(13) Using TELE control lever, extend
boom completely.
(a) If test unit does not indicate 18.4
ft (5.61 m), go to Step (14)
(b) If test unit does indicate 18.4 ft,
(5.61 m) go to Step 5 of this
(14) Loosen screw on gear assembly
and slide gear assembly away from
idler gear being careful not to move
gears in relation to each other.
(15) Rotate gear assembly gear to the
right to increase test unit reading or
to the left to decrease test unit
reading. Moving the gear one to
two teeth in a particular direction
will increase or decrease test unit
reading 0.1 to 0.2 ft (.03 to .06 m).
(16) Mesh gear assembly gear and idler
gear and tighten screw when test
unit indicates 18.4 ft (5.61 m).
(17) Repeat Steps (8) through (17) until
boom can be extended and
retracted with test unit indicating
18.4 ft (5.61 m) and 7.3 ft (2.2 m)
without adjustment and then go to
Step 5 of this Fault.
Remove all jewelry such as rings, dog tags,
bracelets, etc. If jewelry or tools contact
positive electrical circuits a direct short
may result. Damage to equipment, injury or
death to personnel may result.
Do not stand under crane. Mechanical
failure and operator error can cause injury
or death to personnel.