TM 9-4940-568-34
Operate the crane controls smoothly to avoid any jerking or harsh movement that could
affect the dial indicator reading.
Surfaces where magnetic base mounts and dial indicator plunger indicates off of must be
free of grease and dirt, and must be smooth. Clean surfaces as required and if needed, use
sand paper to smooth out the surfaces. Surfaces that are not clean or are rough will affect
the true dial indicator reading.
Position dial indicator (8) with magnetic base on subframe (9). Plunger of dial indicator must be in-line
with the axial centerline of the crane boom (2), with the plunger tip centered as close as possible above
the tip of the swing gear tooth.
Adjust dial indicator (8) to preload the dial, then zero the dial indicator.
Operate boom up control (10) until boom angle is reading 60 degrees on magnetic protractor (1).