TM 5-4930-244-14
Dry cleaning solvent is flammable. Do not use near open flame or nonventilated
places Keep away from open flames or sparks Avoid inhaling solvent fumes.
Avoid contact with skin. Flash point of solvent is 100° F to 138° F (38° C to 59° C)
If new or reground valve (5) is to be placed in head (7), valve (5) must be lapped in
before assembly.
Lap Valve (5).
Lightly lubricate stem of valve (5) with lubricating oil.
Apply a small quantity of grinding compound paste evenly around seat (11)
Insert valve (5) in proper valve guide (10) of head (7)
Exerting firm but gentle pressure, partially rotate valve (5) backward and forward on seat (11).
At short intervals, lift valve (5) from seat (11) and rotate valve (5) approximately 120.
Proper valve grinding will be indicated by a thin polished line on valve (5) and seat
(11) mating surfaces Grinding-in process should be continued until this is
Check seat surface of valve (5) and seat (11) for thin polished line around mating surfaces.
Using dry cleaning solvent, clean all traces of grinding paste from valve (5) and seat (11).
e. Assembly.
Do steps 1 thru 4 for inlet and exhaust valves. Inlet valve is shown
Cups (3), plate (2), and spring (1) must be assembled to valve (5) from which they
were removed Check markings of components to make sure they are mated to the
proper valve (5)
Lightly coat stem of valve (5) with lubricating oil
Install valve (5) in head (7).
Install plate (2), new seal (inlet valve only) (6), spring (1), and cup (3) on valve (5) in head (7)
Compress spring (1) and cup (3). Install two collets (4) around stem of valve (5) and release spring (1) pressure