TM 5-4930-244-14
Brush head (7) and head component assemblies using a soft wire brush. Remove all carbon deposits, dirt, and
other foreign substances. Wipe all components thoroughly with a clean rag.
Clean cylinder head injector bore (8) and seating faces with solvent and rags
Clean head (7) at valve head end of valve guide bore (9) with solvent and rags.
Clean two valves (5), four collets (4), valve springs (1), plates (2), seal (6) (inlet valve only), and two cups (3) with
solvent and rags
c. Inspection.
Inspect head (7) and two guides (10) for damage, distortion, cracks, breaks, and other damage. If damaged,
replace head (7)
Inspect seats (11) for pocketing If seat (11) is badly pocketed, check valve face (12) to head clearance (13) as
shown. If valve face (12) to head clearance (13) exceeds 0.010-inch (0 0254 MM) for a new head (7) or 0.038
inch (0 965 MM) for a used head (7), replace head (7)
If inspection of seat (11) indicated need for seat (11) repair, grind seat (11) at 45.5 to 46 angle as shown
Inspect seat surface of valve (14) for damage. If damaged, grind at 450 to 45.50 angle as shown or replace
valve (5)
d. Repair.
Replacing Valve Guides.
Place cylinder head (5) In hot water for a few minutes
Place the head (5) on its side in a soft jawed vise leaving access to the guide from the underside
Take precautions when removing valve seat to prevent personal injury when it
comes away from the cylinder head.
Use a seat puller and remove valve seat (11) from cylinder head (7)
Place cylinder head in hot water for a few minutes
Stand the cylinder head (7) up on bench.
Place the new valve guide (11) squarely into the valve guide hole in head (7).
Using a suitable press, carefully press the guide (11) into the head (7)