Part 7 Cooling
DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION.......................... 7-01
Drive Belt................................................................ 7-02
Pressure Test ................................................... 7-01
Belt Tension ........................................................... 7-02
Thermostat Test ............................................... 7-02
CLEANING AND INSPECTION..................................... 7-02
or to have a high alkali content. The cooling system should be
The cooling system has two stages of operation and uses
drained and flushed and the proper mixture of anti-freeze
one thermostat. In stage one the coolant flow is restricted for
added as soon as possible, however.
minimum circulation through the engine. In the second stage
To avoid possible overheating in very hot weather, do not
the thermostat opens and permits coolant flow through the
use mixtures with more than 50 percent anti-freeze except in
radiator to maintain proper operating temperatures.
areas where anti-freeze protection below -35 degrees F is
required. In this case, refer to the coolant mixture chart on the
Correct coolant level is essential for maximum circulation
Ford Permanent Anti-freeze container.
and adequate cooling. In addition, for the cooling system to
A standard ethylene glycol hydrometer can be used to
perform its function, it must receive proper care. This includes
check the protection level of the long-life coolant.
keeping the radiator fins clean and a periodic inspection of the
To prevent damage to the cooling system during periods
cooling system for leakage.
of below freezing ambient temperature, when water or
Use care when removing the radiator cap to avoid injury
antifreeze is added to the supply tank, always operate the
from excaping steam or hot water.
engine at fast idle for 30 minutes before letting the engine set
When the cooling system is drained, fill the radiator with
in the OFF position for prolonged periods. This will allow a
specified coolant. In production, the cooling system is filled
uniform mixture throughout the cooling system and prevent
with a 45-55 (50-50 for Canada and export) solution of Ford
damage by freezing, when sufficient anti-freeze is used.
Permanent Antifreeze and water which prevents corrosion,
keeps the cooling system clean, provides anti-freeze
protection to -20 (-35 for Canada and export) degrees F in
To prevent loss of anti-freeze when draining the radiator,
winter and provides for higher summer operation
attach a hose on the radiator drain cock and drain the coolant
from the radiator into a clean container.
For the most effective cooling system operation, this
To drain the radiator, open the drain cock located at the
mixture strength should be maintained all year round and in all
bottom of the radiator and remove the radiator or supply tank
cap. The cylinder block is drained by removing the drain plugs
All coolant added should be the specified mixture of Ford
located on both sides of the block.
permanent anti-freeze and water. If Ford Permanent Anti-
To fill the cooling system, install the cylinder block drain
freeze is not available, another reputable permanent anti-
plug(s) and close the radiator drain cock.
freeze may be used and diluted with an equal quantity of
After the initial fill, the coolant level will drop approximately
1 quart after the engine has been operated about 20 minutes
Ordinary tap water may be used in an emergency except
at 2000 rpm. This is due to the displacement of entrapped air.
in areas where the water is known to be exceptionally hard
Refill radiator as required.
3. Disconnect the electrical connector from the engine
temperature sending unit and remove the
temperature sending unit from the manifold.
It is recommended that a cooling system pressure test
With the radiator cap installed, only a small amount of
gauge be used to properly test the system for:
coolant will be lost when the sending unit is removed.
a. Blown or leaking cooling system sealing gaskets.
4. Install an adaptor fitting tightly (3/8 N.P.T. male
b. Internal or external cooling leakage.
thread on one end, and a hose connection on the
c. Pressure cap malfunct ion.
other end to accommodate the tester hose) into the
Some modification of existing pressure testers may be
intake manifold or cylinder head in place of the
required in order to use this procedure.
sending unit.
1. Shut the engine off. To prevent loss of coolant and to
5. Remove the radiator overflow hose from the retainer
avoid the danger of being burned, place a cloth over
clips. Make sure the hose is firmly installed on the
the cap and rotate the cap slowly counterclockwise to
radiator overflow tube and is in good condition. Insert
first stop and allow pressure to escape completely.
the free end of the overflow hose into a container of
Then, turn cap again slowly counterclockwise to
6. Attach the pressure pump and gauge to the adapter
2. After the cooling system pressure has been released,
fitting and pressurize the cooling system until bubbles
remove the radiator cap, wet the rubber sealing
are observed in the water container. Discontinue
surface and re-install cap tightly on the radiator.
pumping when bubbles appear.