Starting System
3. Remove the pivot pin retaining the starter gear
3. Remove the pivot pin retaining the starter gear
plunger lever, and remove the lever.
plunger lever and remove the lever and the
4. Remove the armature. If the starter drive gear
armature assembly.
assembly is being reused. remove the stop ring
4. Unsolder the field coil and solenoid wire leads
retainer and the stop ring from the end of the
from the terminal screw. Use a 300-watt
armature shaft. and remove the drive.
soldering iron. Remove the starter terminal nut,
5. Place the drive gear assembly on the new
washer. insulator and terminal from the starter
armature with a new stop ring.
6. Install the armature in the starter frame.
7. Position the drive gear plunger lever to the frame
1. Install the new starter terminal. insulator,
and drive gear assembly and install the pivot pin.
washers, and retaining nut in the frame (Figure
8. Partially fill the drive end housing bearing bore
8). Be sure to position the slot in the screw
with grease (approximately 1/4 full). Position the
perpendicular to the frame end surface.
drive plunger lever return spring. the drive end
2. Solder the field coils and solenoid wire to the
housing and the front end plate to the starter
starter terminal using rosin core solder Use a
frame. and then install and tighten the through
300-vatt iron.
bolts to specification Be sure that the stop ring
retainer is seated properly in the drive housing.
assembled coils.
9. Place the brushes in their holders. and center
4. Position the starter brush end plate to the frame
the brush springs on the brushes.
with the end plate boss in the frame slot 5.
10. Position the plunger lever cover and the brush
Position the armature in the starter frame.
cover band, with its gasket. and then tighten the
6. Position the starter drive gear plunger lever to
retaining screw.
the frame and starter drive assembly. and install
11. Connect the starter to a batters to check its
the pivot pin.
7. Partially fill the drive end housing bearing bore
with grease (approximately 1,4 full) Position the
starter drive plunger lever return spring and the
drive end housing to the frame and install and
1. Loosen the brush cover band retaining screw
tighten the through bolts to specification (55-75
and remove the brush cover band and the starter
in-lbs) Do not pinch the brush leads between the
drive plunger lever cover. Observe the lead
brush plate and the frame. Be sure that the stop
positions for assembly and then remove the
ring retainer is seated properly in the drive
commutator brushes from the brush holders.
2. Remove the through bolts. starter drive end
8. Install the brushes in the brush holders. Be sure
housing, starter drive plunger lever return spring.
to center the brush springs on the brushes.
and the brush end plate.
9. Position the drive gear plunger lever cover on
the starter and install the brush cover band with
a gasket. Tighten the band retaining screw.
10. Check the starter no-load current draw.