Starting System
Repeat the test at least three times in
succession to detect intermittent operation.
You should connect a booster battery to the
Starter Cranking Circuit Test
starting system for cases of a starter that will not crank
Excessive resistance in the starter circuit can be
the engine or a starter that cranks the engine very slowly,
determined from the results of this test Make the test
for you may have run sour battery down while trying to
connections as shown in Figure 3. Crank the engine with
get the engine started. If the starter does not turn the
the ignition OFF. This is accomplished by disconnecting
engine over, even with the booster battery attached.
a grounding the high tension lead from the ignition coil
refer to the following tests Be certain that correct batter)
and by connecting a jumper from the battery terminal of
polarity is observed when using a booster batters;
the starter relay to the S terminal of the relay.
positive to positive, and negative to negative connection
The voltage drop in the circuit will be indicated by
of the auxiliary cables.
the voltmeter (0 to 2 volt range). Maximum allowable
voltage drop should be:
Starter Drive and Starter Test
With the voltmeter negative lead connected to
Flood the engine by pumping the throttle eight to ten
the starter terminal and the positive lead
times. Turn the ignition key to start and hold it in the
connected to the battery positive terminal (Figure
start position. The engine should fire immediately, but
2, connection (I)) . .0 5 volt.
should not start and run. The starter should continue to
With the voltmeter negative lead connected to
crank the engine. This indicates a normal, acceptable
the battery terminal of the starter relay and the
starter drive. If the engine stops turning and the starter
positive lead connected to the positive terminal
spins at high speed, the drive is not operating properly
of the battery (Figure 2. connection (2)) . 0.1
and should be replaced. Whenever possible, remove
the plunger cover to observe if the plunger pole is
operating while the starter is one the vehicle. Do not
damage the exposed switch during starter removal
or installation.
Alternate Starter Drive Test
Pull the push-on connector from the ignition coil
primary terminal. Place the connector loosely on
the coil terminal.
Connect a remote control starter switch to the
Turn the ignition switch delay to the ON position
and depress the remote control starter switch.
As soon as the engine begins to run, pull the
push-on connector from the coil terminal while
holding the remote control switch in the start
position. Pulling the wire off the coil kills the
ignition, and the dead engine should now be
FIG. 2. Starting Cranking Circuit Test
cranked by the starter.
Observe to see If the starter begins to crank the
dead engine and if it continues to crank the
engine until the remote control switch is released
If the starter does not crank the dead engine.
the drive assembly is slipping.
FIG. 3. Starter Load Test