Fuel System
Place the inlet needle spring over the fuel inlet
lockwashers. Tighten the two center screws,
needle plunger, and insert these parts, spring
then the two end screws, alternately. to evenly
first, into the hollow fuel inlet needle. Install the
compress the gasket (approximately 8-10 inch-
wire fuel valve clip on the fuel inlet needle. Clip
Do not overtighten these
the needle on the float lever tab. Guide the
screws as the bowl may crack. Install the
needle into the inlet needle seat, and position the
dashpot if so equipment.
float lever between the two float hinge bracket
Place a new throttle body to main body gasket
arms. Install the float lever shaft. Do not
on the throttle body, and check the alignment of
attempt to interchange fuel inlet needles or
all holes in the gasket with the corresponding
seats; they are matched assemblies.
holes in the throttle body. Insert the two throttle
Install the fuel inlet seat screw gasket on the
screw, and insert the screw through the fuel inlet
throttle body and gasket to maintain gasket
fitting boss in the main body. Place the seat
alignment, then set the main body on the throttle
gasket on the threaded end of the inlet seat
body. Invert the carburetor, and tighten the two
screw which protrudes into the fuel bowl. Set the
throttle body screws evenly. Insert the upper
float and fuel inlet valve assembly into position,
end of the pump link through the hole at the end
and install the carburetor float gauge under the
of the pump operating lever, and install the cotter
float hinge bracket to prevent the assembly from
tilting when the seat screw is tightened. Tighten
the screw securely, then remove the gauge.
Install the fuel inlet fitting and gasket.
If the carburetor to intake manifold gasket is not
Invert the min body assembly, and check the
serviceable, install a new one. Place the carburetor on
setting of the float with a 6" steel ruler. If
necessary, bend the tab on the float arm to bring
nuts. Tighten the nuts evenly. Connect the choke and
the float setting within limits. This should provide
throttle linkage to the carburetor, and adjust if necessary.
the proper fuel level.
Connect the fuel line and the distributor vacuum line.
Install a new float bowl gasket into the recess in
Install the air cleaner and tighten the clamp. Be sure the
the main body. Install the retainer gasket over
air cleaner gasket is in place. Adjust idle fuel mixture
the bowl. Place the retainer on the bowl, and set
and engine idle speed. Check the fuel level, and adjust it
the bowl into position. Install the four clamps,
if necessary.
screws, and