Fuel System
FIG. 16. Remove or Install Main Jet
FIG. 17. Remove or Install Power Valve
Except for the following vacuum piston staking
operation (Figure 21), and testing the pump discharge
valve (Figure 22), reassembly 1i the reverse if
disassembly Follow Figures No. 19 back to No. 1.
NOTE: Before installing the vacuum piston
assembly, be sure to remove all previous staking
from the retainer recess. Install the piston in the
vacuum cylinder and stake lightly with a suitable
Test the pump discharge valve prior to assembly
by filling the pump cylinder with clean fuel. Hold the
pump discharge ball and weight down with a small punch
or drift and operate the pump plunger by hand. If the
valve and seat are leaking fuel will rise around the valve
weight and spill over (Figure 22).
FIG. 18. Separate Throttle Body from Main Body