Fuel System
Gently turn the idle mixture screw clockwise until
It seats Record the starting position of the slot
and the exact number of turns required to seat
the screw. This procedure is necessary to
reinstall it in the same position after cleaning.
Remove the curb idle screw and spring. low idle
screw and spring and fast idle screw and spring.
Certain applications may not have all of these
screws (Figure 19).
Carefully inspect the throttle valve for nicks or
burrs and the throttle shaft for wear. Do not
remove the throttle valve. If damage or wear
Is evident, the throttle body or carburetor must
be replaced. If the idle mixture screw is bent or
grooved it must also be replaced. Correct idle
FIG. 13. Removing the Vacuum Piston Assembly
adjustment cannot be achieved with a grooved
or damaged idle mixture needle or screw.
Turn the carburetor body upside down and
remove the pump discharge ball and weight
(Figure 14). Save the old ball in case the seat
needs staking (Figure 22).
Remove the fuel inlet valve and fitting assembly:
remove gasket.
Remove spring float shaft
retainer, float shaft and float (Figure 15).
FIG. 14. Remove or Install the Pump Discharge Ball and
Remove the main jet with a jet wrench. A 3/8"
wide square point screwdriver may be used
(Figure 16).
FIG. 15. Remove or Install the Float Assembly
Remove the power valve assembly with a proper
socket or a 3/8" wide screwdriver blade with a
Carburetor cleaning is thoroughly covered in a
1/16" x 3/8" deep slot sawed in the center of the
previous section. During cleaning the bowl cover should
blade. The slot will clear the power valve stem
be placed on top of the other parts in the basket with the
and prevent damage (Figure 17).
main well tube projecting upward and protected. It is a
This completes the disassembly of the
part of the bowl cover and cannot be replaced. Blow out
carburetor body. Remove the three carburetor body to
passages as shown (Figure 20).
throttle body screws. Tap gently and separate the
throttle body from the main body (Figure 18).