Stop engine before checking or adding oil
Always check the oil level of the Revers-O-Matic Drive immediately after stopping the engine
Clean around oil fill before checking or adding oil
It is recommended that all lubricating oil and oil filter be changed after the first 20 hours of operation and/or after
Thereafter and under normal operating conditions, it Is recommended that all lubricating oil and oil filters be
changed after every 500 hours of operation The oil In the system must be changed whenever the oil shows
traces of dirt or the effects of high operating temperature evidenced by discoloration or strong odor. If the oil in
the system has become contaminated with metal particles, ALL the components of the hydraulic system (oil
tubes, oil pump, oil filter, control valve, converter, clutches, heat exchanger, sump) must be thoroughly cleaned
Generally this means a tear-down of the units Metal particles in the oil Is evidence of failure of some part.
Drain dirty oil while unit Is still warm, examining for contamination as described above
Clean all magnetic drain plugs before replacing
Replace oil filter element Use AC TYPE PF-2 which is generally available at most gas stations.
Always use clean oil and clean containers.
Do not overfill
Keep all joints In the shuttle box and transmission controls properly lubricated with heavy grease
If radiator on the vehicle is drained during winter storage, the heat exchanger on the transmission must also be
The diagnosis of trouble in the transmission always should start by making certain preliminary checks before It is
assumed that the transmission is at fault, cr bef re carrming out any other trouble shooting procedures.
1. Check the coolant level in the engine radiator.
2. Check the oil level in the transmission A low oil level can effect the operation of the transmission, and may
indicate fluid leaks that could cause transmission damage A high oil level can cause foaming of the oil which in
turn may result In clutch slippage or leakage at the breather or filler tube
3. Check the adjustment of the control and governor linkages Make sure that the engine starts to rev up
immediately after the pedal or lever leaves the neutral zone, and that the governor is being held wide open with
pedal or lever in the full throttle position All Interferences that limit top R.P.M should be remedied.
If unit starts with a jerk, check the engine idle speed which is recommended at 450 to 550 R.P.M If idle speed is lower
than this, unit will die too easily in rapid reversals, and If higher than this, the converter will transmit too much torque for
smooth starts Maladjustment of the control system caused by excessive friction or external interference may cause the
clutches to engage after the engine has started to accelerate The control valve should be completely open before the
engine starts to rev up This is mandatory for smooth starts.
Check engine for proper operating performance (refer to the performance check on Page 7). Adjust the rod from the
control system to the governor so that the engine starts to rev up immediately after the control valve is opened. All
interferences that limit top R.P.M. should be remedied.
Inspect the control valve and linkage for possible malfunction Check the regulator valve for proper operating pressures
as instructed under the performance check on Page 7. If the readings ore other than normal, check for broken pressure
regulator springs, make certain the valves are clean. Internally, Inspect the clutch affected for possible damage Check
the oil pump for damage and improper performance
First check for high oil level. Internally, inspect the clutch affected for burned, damaged or worn parts and replace as
necessary. Check the alignment of the missing teeth on the separator plates with the oil drain holes In the clutch
cylinder, making sure the drain holes are not clogged If the output shaft exerts a turning force of 30 Inch pounds of
torque or more with the unit in neutral, corrective measures should be taken and this would require disassembly of the
unit and inspection of all parts
First, check for high oil level Shifting to a lower gear will help eliminate the tendency to overheat. Inspect the heat
exchanger and oil filter lines for obstructions and clean or replace as necessary The possibility of Insufficient oil flow to
the heat exchanger caused by a worn or damaged oil pump should be checked. Inspect the oil filter for clogging
First, check for low oil level. Inspect the converter for worn or damaged parts, check for damaged oil pump and replace
If necessary.