be kept tight and free of corrosion. A solution of two
tablespoons of baking soda to a pint of water makes an
excellent cleaning agent for corroded battery terminals
and a dirty battery case. Apply the solution with a paint
brush or whisk broom and thoroughly flush the outside
of the battery with clean water when finished. Coat the
battery terminals with a light grease or petroleum jelly to
inhibit corrosion.
Do not allow the soda solution to
enter the battery cells. It may cause
the battery to be neutralized.
d. Inspection and Repair. Inspect the box and
fastening hardware for damage.
Use replacement
fasteners as needed. Straighten any dents using simple
shop repair methods.
4-30. Instrument Panel
a. Disassembly
(1) Remove nut, capscrew and clamp (8,9,10, fig.
4-13) on back of instrument panel assembly.
(2) Remove two capscrews (20) and lock washers
Figure 4-12. Battery, removal and Installation.
(21)to remove the cover from the instrument panel.
(3) Disconnect the engine oil pressure line from the
4-29. Battery and Battery Box
back of the gauge (3) and disconnect the Transmission
a. Removal and Installation
oil pressure line from the back of the gauge (25).Tag the
electrical wires for identification purposes, on the back
(2) Loosen and remove the two battery cable
of the gauges. Remove nuts and washers to remove
(3) Remove the two holddown nuts(6)and Washer
electrical leads. Remove nuts and washers (22, 23)
(7) and remove the brackets
from the CLAMPS (24)thereby enabling each of the
(4) Remove the battery and Rod
gauges (1,2,3,4,5,15, 16,25) to be removed from the
(5) from battery box(l) (4) Install the battery box and
battery by reversing removal procedures.
(4) Tag electrical wires and disconnect same from
b. Testing. The state of charge of the battery is
on-off switch (13) starter button (14) and safety switch
indicated by the specific gravity of the battery solution.
(6). Unscrew the knob and nut on front of panel to
Check the specific gravity with a hydrometer to
remove the on-off switch (13). Pull the spring loaded
determine the condition of the battery. If specific gravity
starter button(14)straight out to remove it from panel.
is less than 1.280, the battery should be recharged. If
Unscrew nut and remove plate and safety switch (6)
the battery does not hold a charge it should be replaced.
from instrument panel.
If the difference is specific gravity between cells is more
than 20-25% the battery should be replaced.
c. Service. Fill the battery to the ring with distilled
water or clean rain water. The battery terminals should