TM 5-3820-245-14&P
Engine Temperature
Normal engine coolant temperature is 160-185F (71-850C).
If the engine crankcase was refilled, stop the engine after normal operating temperature has been reached, allow the oil to
drain back into the crankcase for approximately twenty minutes and check the oil level. Add oil, if necessary, to bring it to
the proper level on the dipstick.
Use only the heavy duty lubricating oil specified under Lubricating Oil Specifications.
Cooling System
Remove the radiator or head exchanger tank cap slowly after the engine has reached normal operating temperature and
check the engine coolant level. The coolant level should be near the top of the opening. If necessary, add clean soft
water or a high boiling point type antifreeze (refer to Engine Coolant).
Avoid Unnecessary Engine Idling
During long engine idling periods, the engine coolant temperature will fall below the normal operating range. The
incomplete combustion of fuel in a cold engine will cause crankcase dilution, formation of lacquer or gummy deposits on
the valves, pistons, and rings and rapid accumulation of sludge in the engine.
NOTE: When prolonged engine idling is necessary, maintain at least 800 rpm.
Normal Stopping
1. Release the load and decrease the engine speed. Put all shift levers in the neutral position.
2. Allow the engine to run at half speed or slower with no load for four or five minutes, then move the stop lever to
stop to shut down the engine.
Emergency Stopping
To stop an engine (normal or emergency) equipped with the spring-loaded (one screw) design injector control tube, pull
the governor stop lever to the stop position. If an engine equipped with the non-spring loaded (two screw) design injector
control tube does not stop after using the normal stopping procedure, pull the emergency stop knob all the way out. This
control cuts off the air to the engine. Do not try to restart again until the cause for the malfunction has been found and
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