TM 5-3820-245-14&P
Item 1 - Lubricating Oil
Check the lubricating oil level with the engine stopped. If the engine has just been stopped, wait approximately twenty
minutes to allow the oil to drain back to the oil pan. Add the proper grade oil as required to maintain the correct level on
the dipstick (see Lubricating Oil Specifications in this section).
NOTE: Oil may be blown out through the crankcase breather if the crankcase is overfilled.
Make a visual check for oil leaks around the filters and external oil lines.
Change the lubrication oil at the intervals shown in Table 1.
Max. Engine Oil Change Interval
Diesel Fuel Sulfur Content % by Wt. Max.
0 to .50
0.51 to 0.75
0.76 to 1.00
150 Hours
30 Hours
15 Hours*
*These oil change intervals are based upon worst case with chrome-faced rings. Oil
change periods with plasma rings can be established by oil analysis.
The drain interval may be established on the recommendations of an independent oil analysis laboratory or the oil supplier
(based upon the used oil sample analysis) until the most practical oil change period has been determined. Select the
proper grade of oil in accordance with the instructions given in the Lubrication Oil Specifications in this section.
NOTE: If the lubricating oil is drained immediately after an engine has been run for some time,
most of the sediment will be in suspension and will drain readily.
Item 2 - Fuel Tank
Keep the fuel tank filled to reduce condensation to a minimum. Select the proper grade of fuel in accordance with the
Diesel Fuel Oil Specifications in this section.
Open the drain at the bottom of the fuel tank every 500 hours (15,000 miles) to drain off any water and/or sediment.
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