TM 5-3820-245-14&P
With the oil pan dry, use the prelubricator to prime the engine with sufficient oil to reach all bearing surfaces. Use heavy-
duty lubricating oil as specified under lubricating Oil Specifications. Then remove the dipstick, wipe it with a clean cloth,
insert and remove it again to check the oil level in the oil pan. Add sufficient oil, if necessary, to bring it to the full mark on
the dipstick. Do not overfill.
If a pressure prelubricator is not available, fill the crankcase to the proper level with heavy-duty lubricating oil as specified.
Then prelubricate the upper engine parts by removing the valve rocker covers and pouring lubricating oil, of the same
grade and viscosity as used in the crankcase, over the rocker arms.
Fuel System
Fill the fuel tank with the fuel specified under Fuel Specifications. If the unit is equipped with a fuel valve, it must be
opened. To ensure prompt starting, fill the fuel system between the pump and the fuel return manifold with fuel. If the
engine has been out of service for a consider- able length of time, prime the filter between the fuel pump and the injectors.
The filter may be primed by removing the plug in the top of the filter cover and slowly filling the filter with fuel.
In addition to the above, on an engine equipped with a hydrostarter, use a priming pump to make sure the fuel lines and
the injectors are full of fuel before attempting to start the engine.
NOTE: The fuel system is filled with fuel before leaving the factory. If the fuel is still in the system
when preparing to start the engine, priming should be unnecessary.
Lubrication Fittings
Fill all grease cups and lubricate at all fittings with an all purpose grease. Apply lubricating oil to the throttle linkage and
other moving parts and fill the hinged cap oilers with a hand oiler.
Drive Belts
Adjust all drive belts as recommended under Lubrication and Preventive Maintenance.
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