TM 5-3805-296-23-2
Table 1. Steering System Does Not Operate Properly Continued.
9. Time machine articulation while
Steering System Does Not
Time from Left Stop to Right Stop is
turning steering wheel right until
Operate Properly
10 Seconds or Less and Machine
machine turns into right stops
Turns Smoothly Proceed to step 12.
(TM 5-3805-296-10). Also take
Time from Left Stop to Right Stop is
note of steering performance while
Greater Than 10 Seconds and
turning machine.
Steering Wheel Turns Easy Release
throttle lock and return engine speed to
idle (TM 5-3805-296-10). Proceed to
Test Step 7.
Time from Left Stop to Right Stop is
Greater Than 10 Seconds and
Steering Wheel Turns Hard Release
throttle lock and return engine speed to
idle (TM 5-3805-296-10). Proceed to
Test Step 8.
Time from Left Stop to Right Stop is
Greater Than 10 Seconds and
Steering is Not Smooth Release
throttle lock and return engine speed to
idle (TM 5-3805-296-10). Proceed to
Test Step 10.
10. Time machine articulation while
Time from Right Stop to Left Stop is
turning steering wheel left until
10 Seconds or Less Release throttle
machine turns into left stops
lock and return engine speed to idle
(TM 5-3805-296-10). Also take
(TM 5-3805-296-10). Troubleshooting
note of steering performance while
turning machine.
Time from Right Stop to Left Stop is
Greater Than 10 Seconds Release
throttle lock and return engine speed to
idle (TM 5-3805-296-10). Proceed to
Test Step 7.
Test Step 4. Purge Steering System.
Perform Steering System Purge
Steering Operates Normally When
(WP 0168).
Steering Wheel is Turned Left and
Right Proceed to Test Step 13.
No Machine Articulation When
Steering Wheel is Turned in One or
Both Directions Proceed to Test
Step 5.