You may find troubles that you cannot handle. List them on the proper maintenance forms. DA Form 2408-1 is the
Equipment Daily or Monthly log, DA Form 2404 is the Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, and DA Form
2407 is the Maintenance Request Form. Tell your supervisor.
Leakage definitions for operator/crew PMCS are classified as follows:
Class I
Seepage of fluid (as shown by wetness or discoloration) not great enough to form drops.
Class II
Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops but not great enough to cause drops to drip from the inspected
Class III
Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops that fall from the inspected item.
Equipment operation is allowable with minor leakages (Class I or II). Of course, you must
consider the fluid capacity of the item/system being inspected. When in doubt, ask your
supervisor. When operating with Class I or Class II leaks, continue to check fluid level as
required in your PMCS procedures. Do not operate equipment with a Class III fluid leak.
Report Class III leaks to your supervisor or organizational maintenance.