This section contains information on the PMCS that you must perform to keep the Disk Harrow in good working condition.
Before You Operate. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS you find in this manual and
on the equipment. Perform the "Before Operation" (B) PIMCS shown in Table 1.
While You Operate. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS you find in this manual and on
the equipment. Perform the "During Operation" (D) .PMCS shown in Table 1.
After You Operate. Perform the "After Operation" (A) PMCS shown in Table 1.
If Your Equipment Fails to Operate. Troubleshoot with the proper equipment. Report any deficiencies
using the proper forms. See DA PAM 738-750.
The procedures in Table 1 will help you keep the Disk Harrow in good operating condition.
To use the PMCS table, you will need to know what the numbers and letters on the table mean. Following is an
explanation of each column of the table.
Item Number-The order in which you perform checks on the Disk Harrow equipment. You use this column
as a source of item numbers for the "TM Number" column on DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and
Maintenance Worksheet, in recording results of PMCS.
Interval A dot (e) in the proper column shows when you make your check.
B-before you begin operation
D-while you operate
Item to be Inspected the item you should inspect.
Procedure a brief description of how you make your check or what to do.
Equipment is not ready/available if this column contains criteria that makes the equipment not
ready/available because of inability to perform its primary mission. An entry in this column will: identify
conditions that make the equipment not ready/available for readiness reporting. Deny use of the
equipment until corrective maintenance has been performed.