To construct a ground plate, use a clean bare metal plate or sheet at least 3 feet square and at least 1/8 inch
thick. Select a metal bolt nut and lock washer, then drill a hole in the center of the plate just large enough for the bolt.
Fasten a ground strap to the plate as shown in figure 2-2. Make sure the connection is clean and tight. Bury the plate at
least four feet underground. Apply salt and water as described in paragraph 2-3 1.
2-3. (3)
Make a clean, tight connection to your equipment or shelter and check it every day.
Figure 2-2.
Sandy soils, gravel, stones and soils mixed with gravel or sand. If the MK-2551 AIU stakes are very loose, a
ground rod or plate will provide a better ground. In this soil type, it may be possible to sink the stakes deeper than flush
with the surface, which will improve the ground. Keep the soil around the stakes moist, as described in paragraph 2-4.1
Mountains. It may be impossible to penetrate to moist soil or a water table in many mountainous areas. To
properly ground your equipment, you must find a site where the grounding kit can be installed. Stream beds are usually
the best locations. (See figure 2-3.)