TM 9-4940-568-20
Place FRS so there is ample access for inspection, maintenance, and exercising.
Disconnect batteries (TM 9-4940-568-10).
While vehicle is in storage, perform the following tasks monthly:
Connect batteries (TM 9-4940-568-10).
If engine is run every 30 days or less, use lubricating oil OE/HDO (Item 25, Appendix C). If engine is
not run every 30 days or less, use preservative lubricating oil (Item 26, Appendix C) Grade 2 and change
oil filter or warranty will not be maintained.
Conduct visual inspection of the FRS. Check for oil leaks, lubricant levels, battery electrolyte, coolant
level. Correct any discrepancies.
Inspect oil can points. Lubricate if necessary (Para 2-11 and TM 9-4940-568-10).
Start engine, and idle for 10 minutes or until the engine water temperature reaches 180 F (82 C).
Shutdown generator (TM 9-4940-568-10).
Disconnect batteries (TM 9-4940-568-10). If batteries are not going to be charged for over 30 days,
remove batteries from FRS (Para 3-14) and keep fully charged (TM 9-6150-200-14).
While FRS is in storage, perform the following tasks quarterly:
Perform all monthly tasks.
Exercise all ancillary equipment (TM 9-4940-568-10). While operating winches or crane, lubricate wire
While FRS is in storage, perform the following tasks yearly:
Perform all quarterly tasks.
Clean the exterior, interior of shelter, engine, and undercarriage. Wash any oil and grease from FRS.
Do not allow the baking soda solution to enter the batteries or damage to batteries will result.
Clean batteries and battery cables with a baking soda solution and rinse with fresh water. Do not allow the
baking soda solution to enter the batteries. Add water to battery electrolyte if necessary. Check the
specific gravity of the batteries regularly. Keep the batteries fully charged and clean
(TM 9-6150-200-14).
Lubricate all oil can points (TM 9-4940-568-20).
Check the coolant level. Test the coolant to ensure that the cooling system is protected against corrosion
and temperatures down to 30 F (34 C). Add antifreeze or corrosion inhibitors compatible with
ethylene glycol base antifreeze if cooling system is not adequately protected (TB 750-651).
Change engine oil and oil filter (Para 8-5). Add preservative lubricating oil (Item 26, Appendix C) Grade
2. Change fuel filters (Para 8-19).