TM 55-8115-203-23 & P
Side, roof and end panels. Weatherproofness and denting which would interfere with container
handling are the critical concerns.
1. Holes or tears must be repaired. Repairs that appear questionable should be tested for
weatherproofness using paragraph 2-5.a.
2. Panels must not be dented outwardly so that any part of the panel is outside of the cube
formed by the outside corners of the corner fittings. See figure 3-1.
3. The panel must not be dented more than one inch toward the inside of the container.
Corner posts and j-bars. Check for cracks or dents more than 1/4 inch in depth.
Rails. Check for cracks or dents more than 1/4 inch in depth.
Door and document holder.
Door. Minor bends or dents are acceptable if the door remains fully operational. Test bent or dented
containers for waterproofness using paragraph 2.5.a. The door should open, close and be properly
Door hardware. Door hardware must be completely functional.
Document holder. The document holder must be openable and closeable by one person without need
for a pry bar or other tool. The document holder must be waterproof. Breaks or tears in gasket
material should be repaired.
Readiness. Perform necessary maintenance tasks and repairs as quickly and efficiently as possible. Whenever
possible, perform all maintenance on site.
Return to Service.
Restore to normal operating condition.
Resume the maintenance service schedule in effect at the commencement of storage or service the
equipment before the scheduled dates in order to produce a staggered maintenance workload.
1-4. Extended Storage.
a. Place containers at least four inches off the ground on blocks to permit air circulation under the container.
b. Visually inspect containers every thirty days for damage or deterioration from exposure to severe weather