TM 55-8115-203-23 & P
(d) Continuously weld insert to crossmember.
(5) Replace flooring according to paragraph 2-10.
(6) Clean and reapply undercoating according to paragraph 2-4.
c. Patching With Full Length Overlapping Angle. If the top flange and top one inch of the crossmember vertical
web is undamaged, damage along the full length of the crossmember may be repaired with a full length
overlapping angle, see example C, figure 3-12.
(1) Elevate container.
(2) Shield flooring next to area being repaired.
Direct oxygen-acetyleine torch away from corner fittings, corner posts and side and end
panels to prevent damage to any of these parts.
(3) Measure dimensions for replacement angle. Replacement angle must overlap existing angle by at least
one half inch. Cut replacement angle to size with oxygen acetylene torch.
(4) Grind smooth cut edges of the replacement angle. Bevel the end edges to a thirty degree angle to
ensure a strong butt weld to the bottom side rails, see Figure 3-6.
(5) Tack weld the replacement angle in place.
(6) Continuously weld the replacement angle on top and bottom of the overlapping angle. Continuously weld
the angle butting against the bottom side rails,see Figure 3-13.
(7) Clean and undercoat according to procedure 2-4.
d. Replacement. Replace crossmembers which cannot be repaired by welding, inserting, patching, or replacing
with and overlapping angle.
(1) Elevate container to allow removal of crossmember from under container.
(2) Remove floor planks adjoining wall on right and left side of container, over crossmember to be removed.
(3) Remove screws holding remaining flooring to damaged crossmember.
Direct oxygen-acetylene torch away from corner fittings, corner posts and side and end
panels to prevent damage to any of these parts.