TM 55-8115-203-23 & P
2-7. Door Assembly. Organizational maintenance includes inspection, lubrication, replacement and tightening of
hardware, and replacement and repair of gaskets.
Lubricate door hardware with graphite grease, (item 1, App. D) at the points indicated in figure 2-1.
Replacement of Door Hardware. The locking rod and handle retainer assemblies are attached to the right and
left hand doors with bolts.
(1) Replace locking rod assembly.
If bolts holding assembly in place have not corroded, remove with socket wrench.
If bolts have corroded, split nut with a cold chisel. Tap bolt out with a hammer, if necessary.
Remove old caulking.
Remove locking rod assembly.
If damage to door becomes evident after hardware is removed, container should be referred to direct
support maintenance for repair. In particular, bolt holes which have become badly out of round due to
corrosion are cause to refer the container to direct support maintenance.
Position replacement locking rod assembly and bolt securely in place.
Caulk around bolt holes from inside of container.
Test for waterproofness according to paragraph 2-5.a. If necessary, tighten bolts and recaulk.
(2) Replace handle container assembly.
If bolts holding assembly in place have not corroded, remove with socket wrench.
If bolts have corroded, split nut with a cold chisel. If necessary, tap bolt out with a hammer.
Remove old caulking.
Remove handle retainer assembly.
If damage to door becomes evident after hardware is removed, container should be referred to direct
support for repair. In particular, bolt holes which have become badly out of round due to corrosion are
cause to refer the container to direct support maintenance.