TM 55-8115-203-23 & P
If the overall container shape seems distorted, check the container dimensions. The over-all dimensions and the
variation of diagonal distances between opposite corner fittings must be within the tolerances indicated in paragraph 1-9.
Small corrugation hole repair. Patch small holes and punctures with fiberglass as follows:
Roughen exterior surface of container around damaged area to remove paint and to improve bonding.
Using repair kit MIL-R-58047 (CE), or MIL-R-19907C (NSN 2090-00372-6064), apply epoxy as specified.
(3) Apply tape over the entire patch area and the container is ready for use.
Large corrugation hole repair. Patch large holes of up to a square foot in area with fiberglass as follows:
Remove paint and roughen surface of container around damaged area to improve strength of bond.
Open-flame devices will not be used.
Using repair kit MIL-R-58047 (CE) or MIL-R-19907C (NSN 2090-00372-6064), apply the low viscosity
epoxy to cloth, nylon, or the like, which has been cut to size at least two to three inches greater in each
direction than the hole to be covered.
Affix patch over the damaged area.
Tape the patch in vertical and horizontal directions such that the patch will not slip while curing. It will take
approximately two hours for the patch to cure.
Placard holder replacement. Placard holders are tack welded in place on all four sides of the cargo container.
Straighten a bent placard holder without removing it from the container, if possible. If the placard holder cannot
be easily repaired by straightening, it should be replaced.
Remove placards from placard holder.
Cut placard holder away from container with oxygen acetylene torch.
Grind excess weld material from container.
Skip weld the replacement placard holder in position.
Paint according to paragraph 2-4.