TM 5-4930-244-14
Inspect all parts for damage, cracks, distortion and other damage. Replace parts as needed. ,
Fuel pump is calibrated by the pump manufacturer and only the delivery side of the
fuel pump can be dismantled.
Remove all shim material from the fuel injector pump (8) and around the cut-out (15) on the
crankcase (16).
Replace all timing shims (12).
Inspect and clean threads on pump mounting studs (17) with thread-cutting tap.
Turn the engine to TDC on the exhaust stroke.
Position the fuel pump rack ball (14) with the cut-out (15) in the crankcase (16) by moving and holding
the engine control lever (11) approximately 10 before the vertical position.
Add shims (12) if timing is advanced (too large). Remove shims (12) if
timing is retarded (too small).
Approximately 10 of flywheel movement can be obtained by adding or
removing one 0.127 mm shim.
Place the new pump timing shims (12) over the pump mounting studs (17).
Install the fuel injector pump (8), taking care to ensure the fuel pump rack ball (14) is fully engaged in
the governor lever fork (18).
Install three new lockwashers (10) and three retainer nuts (9). Torque retainer nuts (9) between 12-
14 ft-lbs.
Install new gasket (6), cover (5) onto cylinder (7). Install two screws (4) through cover (5), gasket (6)
into cylinder (7). Tighten.
Install the fuel pipe-pump to injector (2) to fuel injector (19) and fuel injector pump (8). Tighten the
unions a further half tum.
Install the fuel control solenoid valve (1) to the fuel filter (20), fuel injector pump (8) and fuel Injector (1