TM 5-3825-230-14&P
Preparation for Shipment. Preservation and other protective measures taken in the preparation of material and
accompanying tools and equipment for shipment must be sufficient to protect the sweeper against deterioration and
physical damage during shipment.
Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680 is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles, face mask, and
gloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes and
don't breathe vapor. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat. The flashpoint for type I dry
cleaning solvent is 100°F (380C) and for type II is 140°F (600C). If you become dizzy while using
cleaning solvent, get fresh air immediately and get medical aid. If contact with eyes is made,
flush eyes with water and get medical aid immediately.
Cleaning. Use P-D-680 dry cleaning solvent (item 31, Appendix E) to clean or wash grease or oil from all
metal parts. All exposed machined surfaces must be cleaned to insure removal of corrosion, soil, grease,
or other acid alkali residues.
Drying. After cleaning, use cold water to rinse all parts. Use a clean cloth to dry all parts thoroughly.
Lubrication. Lubricate items as specified in Chapter 3, Section I.
All critical unpainted metal surfaces must be protected during shipment. Coat frame, unpainted
exterior hardware and chassis with corrosion preventive compound (item 11, Appendix E).
Spray data plates with a thin coating of ignition insulation compound (item 13, Appendix E). Control
overspray to avoid coating adjacent surfaces.
Cover all exterior reflectors and lights with masking tape (item 33, Appendix E).
Drain water tank (para 2-9).