Ignition System
The breaker point assembly consists of the stationary point
bracket assembly, breaker arm and the primary wire terminal.
Breaker points should be inspected, cleaned and adjusted as
Examine the firing ends of the spark plugs, noting the type of
necessary. Breaker points can be cleaned with chloroform and a stiff
deposits and the degree of electrode erosion. Refer to Figure 16 for
bristle brush. Replace the breaker point assembly if the contacts are
the various types of spark plug fouling and their causes.
badly burned or excessive metal transfer between the points is evident
Clean the plugs on a sand blast cleaner, following the
(Figure 17). Metal transfer is considered excessive when it equals or
manufacturer's instructions. Do not prolong the use of the abrasive
exceeds the gap setting.
blast as it will erode the insulator and electrodes.
After cleaning, examine the plug carefully for cracked or broken
insulators, badly pitted electrodes, and other signs of malfunction.
Replace as required.
Distributor Cap
Clean the distributor cap with a soft bristle brush and mild
cleaning solvent or mineral spirits. Dry the cap with compressed air.
Soak all parts of the distributor assembly (except the condenser,
Inspect the cap for cracks, burned contacts, permanent carbon tracks
breaker point assembly, lubricating wick, vacuum diaphragm,
or dirt or corrosion in the sockets. Replace the cap if it is damaged as
distributor base oil seal and electrical wiring) in a mild cleaning solvent
or mineral spirits. Do not use a harsh cleaning solution. Wipe all parts
that cannot be immersed in a solvent with a clean dry cloth.
After foreign deposits have been loosened by soaking, scrub the
Clean the rotor with a soft bristle brush and mild cleaning solvent
parts with a soft bristle brush. Do not use a wire brush, file, or other
or mineral spirits. Dry the rotor with compressed air. Inspect the rotor
abrasive object. Dry the parts with compressed air.
for cracks or burning. Replace the rotor if it is cracked or burned.
Inspect the distributor cam lobes for scoring and signs of wear.
If any lobe is scored or worn, replace the cam assembly.
Secondary Wiring
Inspect the breaker plate assembly for signs of distortion.
Wipe the wires with a damp cloth and check for breaks or
Replace the breaker plate assembly If it is distorted.
cracked insulation. Inspect the terminals and weatherseals for
Inspect all electrical wiring for fraying, breaks, etc. and replace
looseness or corrosion. Replace any wires that are not in good
any that are not in good condition.
Check the distributor base for cracks or other damage.
Check the diaphragm housing. bracket, and rod for damage.
Test the vacuum hose connections, case and diaphragm for leakage
Wipe the coil with a damp cloth and check for any cracks or
as explained under Distributor Tests. Replace all damaged parts.
other damage.
FIG. 17. Breaker Point Inspection