If there is no spark between the wire and the metal, the trouble may be in the distributor or coil. If you see a spark,
then check the fuel system for trouble.
3. The fuel system may have a restricted fuel line, plugged fuel filter, air leaks in the fuel line or a faulty fuel pump.
4. Check the manual choke. The choke linkage may be binding or damaged so that the choke plate in the carburetor
is not opening and closing properly.
Engine Runs Hot
Listed below are items which could cause an engine to overheat.
1. Low coolant level.
2. Loose or broken fan belt.
3. Inoperative thermostat.
4. Dirty cooling system
5. Radiator fins restricted with leaves, dirt, etc.
6. Prolonged idling.
7. Running engine with frozen coolant.
8. Leaky head gasket.
9. Overloading, especially during hot weather.
Emergency Starting
Use of Booster Battery and Jumper Cables - Particular care should be used when connecting a booster battery in
order to prevent sparks. To jump start (negative grounded battery):
(1) remove vent caps and cover the battery fill openings with a cloth
(2) shield eyes