Whenever engine performance seems less than normal in any category, it is best
to consult with your dealer at the first symptom rather than wait until a serious problem
develops. One of the aims of regular maintenance is to help you in just these
Engine Won't Crank
Turn the key to the ON position and press the starter button. If nothing happens,
an electrical lead(s) may be loose or disconnected, the battery cables may be
loose, disconnected or corroded or the battery discharged.
Another indication of loose battery connections or low battery condition is a
stuttering noise from the engine compartment when the ignition s' itch is turned to
ON and the starter button depressed. Check the connections to the starter motor
and the solenoid switch in addition to the battery and ground connections.
Try operating the starter button several times. Should the switch be corroded, this
operation may clean the contacts enough to make the switch temporarily
operable until you can reach your dealer.
If all the electrical connections are tight and you need assistance to start, read the
instructions under Emergency Starting (Page 12).
Engine Cranks But Won't Start
Check the fuel tank. You may be out of fuel. If there is fuel in the tank, the trouble
may be in either the ignition system or the fuel system.
Check the ignition system. Remove the wire from one of the spark plugs by
grasping the moulded cap of the wire only, and insert a short piece of bare wire or
other metal in the terminal of the wire.
NOTE - Spark plug wires carry high tension electrical current, capable of giving a
shock. Be sure to grasp the moulded boot well hack from the open end.
Hold the cap so that the inserted bare wire is about 1/4 inch from the engine
block and crank the engine (with the ignition switch on) for at least three seconds.